Subtitle style

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Subtitle style

Postby devlopra » 10 Dec 2008 16:39

Hi i`m new and doing some research, please help!

I added 2 subtitles from a test suite in a mp4 container with MP4box

VLC does not regonize the styleing information attached to the MP4 TimedText stream! Is this normal? Will there be more support in Future?
Is there another way of adding timed text to a mp4-file and play it in VLC (need UTF-8 and multiple Subtitle)?


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Subtitle style

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Dec 2008 21:14

Give more messages!
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Re: Subtitle style

Postby devlopra » 15 Dec 2008 12:27

I have a file called "test.mp4" containing a h.264 video, ACC Audio Track, and a Timed Text track.
I added the Timed Text track via MP4Box. (see link in previous post).

The text track uses a ttxt-Format from Mp4Box.

See Test suite Nr.9 out of GPAC-Projekt Page:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- GPAC 3GPP Text Stream --> <TextStream version="1.0"> <TextStreamHeader width="176" height="174" layer="65535" translation_x="0" translation_y="0"> <TextSampleDescription horizontalJustification="left" verticalJustification="top" backColor="ff ff ff ff" verticalText="no" fillTextRegion="no" continuousKaraoke="no" scroll="None"> <FontTable> <FontTableEntry fontName="Serif" fontID="0"/> </FontTable> <TextBox top="144" left="0" bottom="174" right="176"/> <Style styles="Normal" fontSize="12" color="0 0 ff ff"/> </TextSampleDescription> <TextSampleDescription horizontalJustification="left" verticalJustification="top" backColor="ff ff ff ff" verticalText="no" fillTextRegion="no" continuousKaraoke="no" scroll="In" scrollMode="Marquee"> <FontTable> <FontTableEntry fontName="Serif" fontID="0"/> </FontTable> <TextBox top="144" left="0" bottom="174" right="176"/> <Style styles="Normal" fontSize="12" color="0 0 ff ff"/> </TextSampleDescription> <TextSampleDescription horizontalJustification="left" verticalJustification="center" backColor="0 ff 0 ff" verticalText="no" fillTextRegion="no" continuousKaraoke="no" scroll="None"> <FontTable> <FontTableEntry fontName="Serif" fontID="0"/> </FontTable> <TextBox top="144" left="0" bottom="174" right="176"/> <Style styles="Normal" fontSize="12" color="0 0 ff ff"/> </TextSampleDescription> </TextStreamHeader> <TextSample sampleTime="00:00:00.000" sampleDescriptionIndex="1" text="'This is demonstration No9'"> </TextSample> <TextSample sampleTime="00:00:03.000" sampleDescriptionIndex="2" text="'1. text-color is ''GREEN and RED'"> <Style fromChar="18" toChar="23" styles="Normal" fontSize="12" color="0 ff 0 ff"/> <Style fromChar="28" toChar="31" styles="Normal" fontSize="12" color="ff 0 0 ff"/> </TextSample> <TextSample sampleTime="00:00:08.000" sampleDescriptionIndex="3" text="'2. HILIGHT with Red'" highlightColor="ff 0 0 ff"> <Style fromChar="3" toChar="10" styles="Bold " fontSize="12" color="0 0 ff ff"/> <Highlight fromChar="3" toChar="10" /> </TextSample> <TextSample sampleTime="00:00:13.000" sampleDescriptionIndex="1" text="'3. Karaoke1 Karaoke2 ''Karaoke3'" highlightColor="0 ff 0 ff"> <Style fromChar="12" toChar="20" styles="Underlined " fontSize="12" color="0 0 ff ff"/> <Style fromChar="22" toChar="30" styles="Bold " fontSize="12" color="0 0 ff ff"/> <Karaoke startTime="2"> <KaraokeRange fromChar="3" toChar="11" endTime="5"/> <KaraokeRange fromChar="12" toChar="20" endTime="8"/> <KaraokeRange fromChar="22" toChar="30" endTime="11"/> </Karaoke> </TextSample> <TextSample sampleTime="00:00:26.000" sampleDescriptionIndex="1" text="'4. text-box is located at'' the top of the video.'"> <TextBox top="0" left="0" bottom="30" right="176"/> <Style fromChar="31" toChar="34" styles="Bold " fontSize="12" color="ff 0 0 ff"/> </TextSample> <TextSample sampleTime="00:00:31.000" sampleDescriptionIndex="1" text="'End of demonstration No9'"> </TextSample> </TextStream>
MP4Box uses the fourcc tx3g for MPEG-4 Timed Text!

When i try to play this mp4 file in my VLC Player 0.8.6c and select the subtitle Track, I can only see the following parts of the Subtitle Text.
'3. Karaoke1 Karaoke2 ''Karaoke3
4. text-box is located at'' the top of the video.
End of demonstration No9

...and the text has no style. It is only simple white text displayed at the bottom of the video.

Preferences -> Input/codecs -> Other codes -> subtitle: formated subtitle is checked.
(I don`t have the english Verison of VLC so I hope the menu is correctly spelled)

How do I use Subtitle within the MPEG-4 container and display the TimedText incl. style information in VLC?

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Subtitle style

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 15 Dec 2008 13:23

Can you give us the sample?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Subtitle style

Postby devlopra » 15 Dec 2008 14:04

Subtitle appears first at 00:00:15

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Re: Subtitle style

Postby devlopra » 15 Dec 2008 14:46

Here is another (old) Topic about this discussion.

no vlc does not support any of the advanced option
Is there still no support for this options?

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