Received Award for Streaming etc

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Received Award for Streaming etc

Postby vibes992000 » 15 Dec 2008 06:42

Dear VLC Admin,

We have received award in Open Distance Learning Competition in India and our main emphasis was laid on using the open source streaming server. Unfortunately there is NO Detail mentioned about VLC on the links given below in the links and you tube video shown below but during the competition registration we have to write that whether we were using OPEN SOURCE or not and our site was selected ahead of a flash based site which was using Adobe Flash FMS 3.0 because we are using OPEN SOURCE and providing EDUCATION for masses at free of cost. We are using VLC 0.86i as streaming server and Windows Media Player and VLC Both as clients. For the moment we are stuck with 0.86 only as experiencing sum problems with 0.9 (hopefully will use that soon in future)
If our honb'le site admin can remember that I used to keep asking lots of queries on this forum last year asking me how to use vlc .. :lol: 8) .. Finally some result came out of those seems.. Thanks to VLC Forum and Admin (jb) for their warm help towards this scenario..... :)

India (South Asia)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby vibes992000 » 15 Dec 2008 06:48

Please let me know that how can we help vlc project. Please note that I'm basically a developer thus having no knowlege of core c++. but i guess we can help u in testing etc.. please let us know .. provided with the appropriate documentations we can also help u in developing the binaries in a given span of time.

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Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Also

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 15 Dec 2008 10:41

Please let me know that how can we help vlc project. Please note that I'm basically a developer thus having no knowlege of core c++. but i guess we can help u in testing etc.. please let us know .. provided with the appropriate documentations we can also help u in developing the binaries in a given span of time.

Web Developer
We are very glad of the outcome, there are lots of things to fix in the Windows world (integration, installer) and on the Web APIs...

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Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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