I'm having the same issue here, with telnet it's too complex, since as stated above it's for streaming only. I have a partial success using the following command line, with this I could connect via a hyperterminal window, and "pause" stops and starts my music fine. The m3u file is a playlist I defined, I have not figured out how to load the playlist "remotely" (maybe using the menu command or something).
Code: Select all
>vlc --ttl 12 -vvv --rc-quiet --rc-host= --extraintf rc VlcPlayList.m3u
--rc-quiet option is very important, if you don't use it, you have first to press enter in the command line window so that it starts accepting the commands from the telnet client (no idea why this is so).
Next step is to achieve the remote "login" programmatically, but this is somehow not working yet...