about streaming video with dynamic IP

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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about streaming video with dynamic IP

Postby concheng » 21 Nov 2008 06:08

Hi...I am new to VLC player...I used VLC to stream video content in LAN and everything work flawless...Now, I am trying some advance move to stream video crossing internet (ex: from my friend's house to my apartment) but the problem is that both of our DSL are dynamic IP (my friend use yahoo dsl, and I use speakeasy dsl) and both of us using router which mean our network are behind NAT and UDP restricted, so is there any way to stream the video without knowing both of our IP (because they are dynamic) like some peer-to-peer software does. are there any software I can use to accomplish this? ( better free or open source, I don't want pay to much money on this experiment).

P.S I use window xp sp2, if this experiment requires linux, I also have Ubunto linux installed on my system...

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: about streaming video with dynamic IP

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 21 Nov 2008 10:44

Use some dynamic DNS.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: about streaming video with dynamic IP

Postby concheng » 21 Nov 2008 12:50

I just check the wiki about dynamic DNS...from what wiki said...it could work...I just need to find a free one...by the way, one of guy told me that I could use a TURN SERVER, which does the same thing, I just need another computer with static IP as server (I could use the one in school which has static IP). I wonder if VLC support TURN, STUN or ICE or not? Is there any way to set up VLC to use TURN server

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: about streaming video with dynamic IP

Postby LaBay » 24 Nov 2008 08:17

Hi...I am new to VLC player...I used VLC to stream video content in LAN and everything work flawless...Now, I am trying some advance move to stream video crossing internet (ex: from my friend's house to my apartment) but the problem is that both of our DSL are dynamic IP (my friend use yahoo dsl, and I use speakeasy dsl) and both of us using router which mean our network are behind NAT and UDP restricted, so is there any way to stream the video without knowing both of our IP (because they are dynamic) like some peer-to-peer software does. are there any software I can use to accomplish this? ( better free or open source, I don't want pay to much money on this experiment).

P.S I use window xp sp2, if this experiment requires linux, I also have Ubunto linux installed on my system...
Yes, it's possible. You can stream "peer-to-peer" without static IP but with Skype. For WEB cams and other computer attached devices you can do it in normal order(see Skype docs).
"How to" for AXIS IP cams streaming:
1) Download and install VH Multi Camera Studio;
2) Run VH Multi Camera Studio. Click on "Add URL" and write rtsp://YourCamIP_or_DomainName:554/mpeg4/media.amp. Mark «Enable Output to VHMulticam Video Capture Device» & «Default source (VHMulticam connects to this)»;
3) Choose in Skype "Select web-cam" drop-down menu "VHMultiCam". Mark "Enable Skype video" and "Begin video when dial"

More information here (Russian only).

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