VLC and Dell's Front Media Buttons

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VLC and Dell's Front Media Buttons

Postby tttmmmsss » 02 Oct 2008 05:01

Hello all!

I've recently dome a search through the forums looking for a resolution to being able to use the Media Buttons on Dell laptops ( the stop, play, next, previous buttons ) for VLC control. I have found information that there is supposedly support for them in the nightlies, which appear to be latest build releases which haven't been confirmed stable, but most of my information was found dated back in June, which isn't very recent.

I would also wonder, my front facing media buttons control my system volume for increasing, decreasing, and mute. If I have VLC being controlled by my set of buttons, would they only strictly control VLC's volume state ( while VLC is open ) , or would they continue to control my system speaker settings, which the play/pause, next, prev, and stop buttons affected VLC?

On an unrelated matter, with the new design and feature set for VLC, has this increased it's requirement for running on my system? I would assume most of it's features that are disabled when not being used, but is that so? I'm just a bit worried about how much space it holds when running ( not necessarily playing anything ) .

Thank you!

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Re: VLC and Dell's Front Media Buttons

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Oct 2008 18:04

No, the new VLC should use not a lot more memory ( maybe a few MB more) but should be faster on windows.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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