Starting streams from web interface

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Starting streams from web interface

Postby levitymn » 10 Oct 2004 20:51

Ok, what I am looking to do is sand a command through the web interface that will start playing a file as a video stream. So far everything I try just plays the voedo on the machine vlc is running on, instead of starting up a stream that I can remotly connect to. Does any one know how I can get the VLC web interface to start streams in stead of just playing files?


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Postby dionoea » 11 Oct 2004 19:58

you have to specify that you want to stream by using the -sout option. Some (outdated) doc can be found here : ... de-en.html


Postby Guest » 11 Oct 2004 20:39

Yes, but there does not seem to be a way to do that through the web interface that works. There is a sout field in the web interface but, when you click the button an error comes up at the top of the page stating that sout is not a valid command. Every arrangement of commands I can think of sending directly through the web interface url, just play the file with out streaming it.

I can send streaming commands through the command line that work using the --sout command.

Is it even possible for the web interface to specify the --sout parameters?

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Postby dionoea » 11 Oct 2004 22:38

The following works fine for me :

start vlc : vlc --extraintf http
on the web interface :
* add a MRL and start playing it (something like /home/me/movie.mpg for example)
* enter a sout string such as: #standard{mux=ts,sap,name=test,access=udp,url=}

hope this helps


Postby Guest » 12 Oct 2004 20:21

OIC, the answer is do not hit the sout button. Just fill out the sout field and hit the add button and it all works. Thanks for the reply, and pointing me in the diretion of my error.


Streaming from windows interface

Postby fabio » 27 Oct 2004 18:52

I want to activate vlc as streaming server without entering the udp multicast address but just entering the filename.
I have created on the desktop an icon and I have modified the properties as follow:
"C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC 0.8\vlc.exe" :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=}}
but when I enter the file name the vlc don't " remember" the multicast address.
If I use:
"C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC 0.8\vlc.exe" c:/videos/unit01.avi :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=}}
all work fine but vlc send always the same file.
Thanks &

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 28 Oct 2004 02:31

: defines an option specific to the preceding filename. if you want to set an option globally, you use --

so vlc --sout is global
vlc file1.avi :sout... file2 :sout.... file3 :sout.....
sets for each file seperatly. Usually the 2nd is safer.
Sometimes the line you use won't work btw, because not all video/audio codecs in files can be sent over TS UDP
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Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2004 17:32

tank you now the server "remember" the address and all work fine.
Now I have another question:
I want to send a streaming audio (an mp3 or wav file) the VLC server play it locally and send packet, but the VLC client don't play it.
Someone can help me.
Tanks in advance


Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2004 17:46

I have restarted VLC and all work fine
tank you now the server "remember" the address and all work fine.
Now I have another question:
I want to send a streaming audio (an mp3 or wav file) the VLC server play it locally and send packet, but the VLC client don't play it.
Someone can help me.
Tanks in advance

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