Installing VLMa in Windows

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Installing VLMa in Windows

Postby tbaby_1127 » 10 Sep 2008 04:58

Hi all,
I'm newbie in VLMa, and I didn't find any document which show me installing VLMa in Windows. I have just found a videoclip about installing VLMa in Linux.
Please tell me how to install VLMa in Windows?
Thanks very much,

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Blank Cone
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Re: Installing VLMa in Windows

Postby jpountz » 11 Sep 2008 15:01


The procedure shoud basically be the same under Windows as with Linux, that means you first need to run VLMa jar, from the command-line for example:
java -jar vlmad.jar
Just ensure that you have java.exe on your PATH.

Then you can deploy the WAR file into your favorite servlet container.

Since this may be a little bit complicated to deploy it for the first time, particularly for people that have never used a servlet container, we are trying to make it a little bit easier in the current development tree. This means that we embed a servlet container (jetty) and there are startup scripts that aim at making VLMa startup and shutdown easier. You will only need to run

Code: Select all

vlmad.bat start
to start the daemon and

Code: Select all

vlmaw.bat start
to start the web UI. To stop them, just replace start by stop. If you want to try it, you can download the latest nightly build here: ... A JDK 5.0 or higher is required for it to work, and you will need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path of your JDK installation. This has not been much tested for the moment, so your feedbacks would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by jpountz on 11 Sep 2008 21:48, edited 1 time in total.
Adrien Grand

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Re: Installing VLMa in Windows

Postby tbaby_1127 » 11 Sep 2008 18:48

Thanks very much, I'll try.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 25 Aug 2008 18:23

Re: Installing VLMa in Windows

Postby tbaby_1127 » 18 Sep 2008 05:31

Thank you very much. I have just installed sucessful VLMa in Windows.
I try to use VLMa functions to solve my project.

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Re: Installing VLMa in Windows

Postby fotosiemek » 26 Jun 2009 13:06

Great explanation about install. Thanks too :)

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Re: Installing VLMa in Windows

Postby theradio » 15 Jun 2010 18:31

Installed VLMa under WinXP SP3.
Started wlmad
started wlmaw

I had to change de default port from 8080 (already in use by another process) to 8088 in "conf\jetty.xml"

When browsing, I immediately get :
Error 404 - Not Found.
No context on this server matched or handled this request.
Contexts known to this server are:

* /vlmaw ---> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@4c71d2{/vlmaw,jar:file:/C:/temp/vlma/webapps/vlmaw.war!/}

Quite an obscure error message...
...Any help/tips concerning this ?

[edit] outputs may be helpful :
C:\temp\vlma\bin>vlmad start
[INFO] Using VLMA_HOME: C:\temp\vlma
[INFO] Using VLMA_CONF: C:\temp\vlma\conf
[INFO] Using VLMA_DATA: C:\temp\vlma\data
[INFO] Using VLMA_LIBS: C:\temp\vlma\lib
[INFO] Using VLMA_LOGS: C:\temp\vlma\logs
[INFO] Using VLMA_WEBAPPS: C:\temp\vlma\webapps
[INFO] Using VLMA_WORK: C:\temp\vlma\work
[INFO] Launching C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe -Dvlma.home="C:\temp\vlma" -Dvlma.conf="C:\temp\vlma\conf""C:\temp\vlma\data" -Dvlma.logs="C:\temp\vlma\logs""C:\temp\vlma\work" -Dlog4j.configuration="file:C:\temp\vlma\conf\" -classpath ;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\ACTIVA~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\COMMON~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\COMMON~2.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\COMMON~3.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\COMMON~4.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\CO6E34~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\COEEAA~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\CO8A37~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\HTMLPA~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\IRCLIB~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\JROBIN~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\LOG4J-~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\MAIL-1~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\MSNMLI~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\SNMP-1~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\SPRING~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\VLMA-A~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\VLMA-C~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\VLMA-D~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\XPP3_M~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\daemon\XSTREA~1.JAR org.videolan.vlma.daemon.VLMad start
18:20:51,187 - INFO - Refreshing
@b169f8: display name []; startup date [Tue Jun 15 18:20:51 CEST 2010]; root of context hierarchy
18:20:51,265 - INFO - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [daemon.xml]
18:20:51,421 - INFO - Bean factory for application context []:
18:20:51,453 - INFO - Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [configuration,daemon,dataExporter,dataSource,vlmaDao,vlmaService,commandLogger,dataRetriever,ipBank,ircNotifier,mailNotifier,msnNotifier,mailSender,orderGiver,orderMonitor,orderSender,programFactory,serverMonitor,serverStateMonitor,streamWatcher,httpSteamWatcher,directMulticastStreamWatcher,mockStreamWatcher]; root of factory hierarchy
18:20:51,781 - INFO - Looking for RMI registry at port '9050'
18:20:52,828 - INFO - Could not detect RMI registry - creating new one
18:20:52,843 - INFO - Binding service 'VLMaDataService' to RMI registry: RegistryImpl[UnicastServerRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](local),objID:[0:0:0, 0]]]]
18:20:53,046 - INFO - Starting OrderMonitor
18:20:53,046 - INFO - Starting ServerMonitor
18:20:53,046 - INFO - Starting ServerStateMonitor

C:\temp\vlma\bin>vlmaw start
[INFO] Using VLMA_HOME: C:\temp\vlma
[INFO] Using VLMA_CONF: C:\temp\vlma\conf
[INFO] Using VLMA_DATA: C:\temp\vlma\data
[INFO] Using VLMA_LIBS: C:\temp\vlma\lib
[INFO] Using VLMA_LOGS: C:\temp\vlma\logs
[INFO] Using VLMA_WEBAPPS: C:\temp\vlma\webapps
[INFO] Using VLMA_WORK: C:\temp\vlma\work
[INFO] Launching C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe -Dvlma.home="C:\temp\vlma" -Dvlma.conf="C:\temp\vlma\conf" -Dvlma.logs="C:\temp\vlma\logs" -Djetty.lib="C:\temp\vlma\lib\web" -Dvlma.webapps="C:\temp\vlma\webapps" -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=vlmaw -classpath ;C:\temp\vlma\lib\web\ANT-16~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\web\JETTY-~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\web\JETTY-~2.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\web\JSP-21~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\web\JSP-AP~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\web\SERVLE~1.JAR;C:\temp\vlma\lib\web\START-~1.JAR;"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\tools.jar" org.mortbay.start.Main "C:\temp\vlma\conf\jetty.xml"
2010-06-15 18:21:03.283::INFO: Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
2010-06-15 18:21:04.439::INFO: jetty-6.1.11
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.util.ClassUtils).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
2010-06-15 18:21:04.01:/vlmaw:INFO: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
2010-06-15 18:21:05.704:/vlmaw:INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'VLMa'
2010-06-15 18:21:05.283:/vlmaw:INFO: Set web app root system property: 'webapp.root' = [C:\temp\vlma\work\Jetty_0_0_0_0_8088_vlmaw.war__vlmaw__-kbfq6p\webapp\]
2010-06-15 18:21:05.283:/vlmaw:INFO: Initializing log4j from [C:\temp\vlma\work\Jetty_0_0_0_0_8088_vlmaw.war__vlmaw__-kbfq6p\webapp\WEB-INF\log4j.xml]
2010-06-15 18:21:05.314::INFO: Opened C:\temp\vlma\logs\jetty-2010_06_15.request.log
2010-06-15 18:21:05.345::INFO: Started SelectChannelConnector@

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