What does it mean?

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What does it mean?

Postby slipknot » 21 Oct 2004 16:53

I have a problem... the quality is great but the picture sometimes stops for a sec or 2 and then starts again... but not always where it left of
and with some AVI-files the picture does´nt flow as well.
And when the box comes up were i can dismiss or whatever it says this

main warning: PTS is out of range (-17108), dropping buffer
mpgatofixed32 warning: libmad error: bad main_data_begin pointer
main debug: audio output is starving (20049), playing silence

What does it mean? :shock:
Is there a way to make it run more smooth?.
I have an iMac G5 so there should be problems or should there ?

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 22 Oct 2004 15:14

It canno't say that, because these are warnings, and the pop up box only reports errors.
It's most likely cause because you play from the network or CD rom. or because you HD is sleeping and needs to spin up.
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