I just tried to update from version 086-f to -i and ran into some weird problem (the -h version worked).
I downloaded the .exe file installer. it asked me then if I wanted to uninstall the previously installed version of vlc. I agreed. uninstalling showed no problems. then I was asked to setup the new version. all went ok.
the problem shows when I start vlc.
first I get a skin I am not used too (just black and white) which shows no menues at all!
I can not use the right mouse button within the program - nothing happens. (it works outside the program)
and the weirdest thing is, that everything seems to be "mirrored" horizontally and vertically as if everything is written on glas and I am trying to read from the backside but turned upside down!!
what is going on, what can I do to get this straight?
- normal interface with menues
- right mouse button working
- straight reading of whatever is written within the program
here is a link to the screenshot
this behaviour is not be seen with version 086f ....