Buffering in WMP

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Buffering in WMP

Postby aegyssus » 02 Sep 2008 07:15

I need to use VLC as a stream repeater for WMV feed coming from a computer that uses a LeadTek card and its application to capture and stream analog TV programs. The end-user must be able to watch the stream into a web browser, using WMP object.
Everything is almost fine when I use a syntax like this (the real input URL is not this one):

Code: Select all

new chn1 broadcast enabled loop setup chn1 input "" setup chn1 output #duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=asf,dst=:1234}}
... but one thing: it takes an eternity to buffer for windows media player and it never ends unless I strike "Play" button while the status is still "Buffering". It will change 1%, then to 2% after about 5 secs and it will advance very slow but it never starts showing...
If I use VLC as client, everything goes well, the WMV stream is shown without having to wait so long. It's only WMP that does that.
One more thing: if I put the webpage to point directly to the original address (the server with the capture card), it works correctly (it will go buffering, then 10, 25, 50, ... 100% and play quite rapidly). It's only when I pass the stream through VLC that I have the issue.
I looked at HTTP headers returned by LeadTek app and it looks like REX 9 something which means it's a flavor of Microsoft Windows Media Encoder...

Many thanks for any suggestion,

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Re: Buffering in WMP

Postby dionoea » 02 Sep 2008 16:05

A bunch of ideas you could try:
1/ use asfh instead of asf
2/ don't use duplicate if you don't need it
3/ you might want to try mssh instead of http for the access
Antoine Cellerier
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Blank Cone
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Re: Buffering in WMP

Postby aegyssus » 02 Sep 2008 17:08

Bonjour Antoine,
Merci énormément de ta réponse!

I definitely am a beginner with VLC streaming; my understanding was that the way I can repeat a stream is to use duplicate. Actually this code has been generated by VLC interface itself.
I'll try everything you suggested but can you tell me what other option I have for your idea #2? I mean, what else can I use to forward the stream?
Many thanks,

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Re: Buffering in WMP

Postby dionoea » 02 Sep 2008 18:39

You can just use std{}.
duplicate{dst=<something>} is equivalent to <something>.
duplicate is useful if you want to use it's "select" option or stream to more than one dst.
It shouldn't change anything to your problem but it makes the command line easier to read, and prevents data going through an extra module.
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

Blank Cone
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Re: Buffering in WMP

Postby aegyssus » 02 Sep 2008 20:00

Many thanks for your answer!
Meanwhile I figured that out by myself, too.
However, using mmsh and asfh does not seem to fix the buffering issue...
So, I stay open for suggestions.


Blank Cone
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Re: Buffering in WMP

Postby aegyssus » 03 Sep 2008 06:47

... actually I took a second look and the buffering is alright with mmsh/asf but there is no sound.
WMP is saying "seeing" the audio stream but cannot play it. VLC, as a client, plays the stream correctly.
Anyone can figure out what happens?

Cone Master
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Re: Buffering in WMP

Postby dionoea » 03 Sep 2008 15:04

What audio codec is your stream using?
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Buffering in WMP

Postby aegyssus » 09 Sep 2008 19:29

It was Microsoft' Windows Media Audio v9.2 but we're currently having hardware problems. I'll get back once hardware is fixed.
Thanks a lot,

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