Searching the Settings

Feature requests for VLC.
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Searching the Settings

Postby DOOOMKULTUS » 25 Aug 2008 18:04

I am using the latest vlc 0.9 nightly, although i like the new refined look the Tools>Preferences have received for settings selection ,It still could do with a feature like Settings Search facility,
Vlc has an enormous amount of settings to tweak with,and its a lot of hassle a lot of the time to go to the exact location of the desired setting.
A lot like Vuze (formely Azureus) has a search option neatly places below the settings/options tree for easier access to specific options.
I hope this is considered (and my apologies if this is already been discussed on the forums,i found nothing on search relating to this.)

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Re: Searching the Settings

Postby CloudStalker » 25 Aug 2008 18:59

It's a good idea, It might help those new to VLC who aren't used to the layout of the settings (many by now are).

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Re: Searching the Settings

Postby dionoea » 25 Aug 2008 21:24

What kind of search feature would you like? A match on the option name? on the descriptions? on the module descriptions? on all of those?
Antoine Cellerier
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New Cone
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Re: Searching the Settings

Postby DOOOMKULTUS » 25 Aug 2008 22:40

Well my only point of reference on this sort of approach is Vuze (Azureus) option search system.Give it a check I urge you to give it a look,to get an idea what i am referring to.
Since a option being searched can be sometimes be common to more than 1 setting or function, highlighting the searched term across multiples common items can make it distinguishable.
What i mean is like,since terms like "encode/encoding" , "frame" ,etc are common to various functions, highlighting these in the settings tree while eliminating (or just fading) non essential options in the tree while the search is being done.
Vuze has a live search system where search begins as the query is typed.
I think since the number of options in VLC is so huge the system would be difficult to implement just by having a single reference point like "option name" or "module", some sort of mixture would have to be implemented,but that's just my thought,you guys are the developers you know better, i just give ideas :wink:
I hope you guys give this a thought it could really help a lot of people.I am a long time vlc user but i just forget the exact location og an option many a time and it takes too long sometimes.

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