[bug report 0.9.0] Crash with CJK subtitles

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 16
Joined: 29 Feb 2008 00:55
VLC version: 0.8.6e
Operating System: Windows XP

[bug report 0.9.0] Crash with CJK subtitles

Postby herojoker » 25 Aug 2008 17:36

I'm using VLC trunk-20080824-0930 on Windows XP SP2 on an AMD64 X2 4600+, 2GB RAM.
I have a video (.mkv; H264 1280x720) with subtitles, which causes VLC to crash abruptly when reaching a certain position.
At this position there are multiple subtitle lines, one of it contains CJK characters which seem to cause the problem.
Yesterday VLC was just hanging at this position, playing the sound over and over again but now it's immediately exiting... (don't know why).
So, yesterday I started VLC with the parameters -vvv --extraintf=logger and saved what what was shown. I added some linebreaks to make it more readable; here is the result: Log excerpt
4F1A is a Unicode character in the CJK Unified Ideograph block, which can be seen here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Un ... 4E00-62FF)

Using the log file capability I only (after standard messages) get stuff like:

Code: Select all

mkv debug: | | + Seek mkv debug: | - unknown seekhead reference at 20947539 mkv debug: | | + Seek mkv debug: | - unknown seekhead reference at 21241710 mkv debug: | | + Seek mkv debug: | - unknown seekhead reference at 21981432 mkv debug: | | + Seek mkv debug: | - unknown seekhead reference at 22967928
and at the end:

Code: Select all

message warning: message queue overflowed
so the written log doesn't reach the critical moment.

If I deactivate the subtitles the video is played back without any (visible) problems.
I also tried to use another Unicode Font [usually using Arial Unicode MS Standard (TrueType)], namely [url=hhttp://www.lgm.cl/trabajos/unifont/index.en.html]GNU Unifont[/url]

As far as I can see the nightly build shares its config with already existing versions on the computer; is there a way to make it independent of other config files (create a local one)? Perhaps this will bring back the original behaviour (which allowed me to copy the linked log from the logging terminal (command line) window).

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