[BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

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Cone that earned his stripes
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[BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby random » 17 Jul 2008 12:59

http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/video ... .9.0-test2
<http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/video ... .9.0-test2>
after playing a Video on Vista 64bit, closing vlc by pressing the X at top right corner, vlc appeared to be closed and disappeared from the o/s GUI.
by checking with Windows Task Manager that confirms vlc.exe didn't terminate in the processes list.
weird that this doesn't always happen but happens 99% of the time.
Last edited by random on 17 Jul 2008 14:01, edited 3 times in total.

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby random » 17 Jul 2008 13:38

1. After taking some snapshots
of a .ts mpeg-2 interlaced HD clip, the video playback gets corrupted and video freezes at the spot of corrupted frame while audio continue.
unlimited messages appeared in log.
main error: decoder is leaking pictures, resetting the heap

2. Since this interlaced HD clip playback in VLC Media Player. Source resolution is 1920x1088 but embedded video appeared in QT4 interface half size of the original video and appear to jitter during motion. This didn't happen with 0.8.6i which playback in full resolution interlaced mode.
The embedded video playback in incorrect smaller size, if actual desktop resolution is less then the source resolution of the video clip.

Clip info:
(from 0.8.6i)
libmpeg2 debug: 1920x1088 (display 1920,1088), aspect 768000, sar 136:135, 29.971 fps
main warning: Fixing broken HDTV stream (display_height=1088)
main debug: no usable vout present, spawning one
main debug: window size: 1920x1080
main debug: looking for video output module: 7 candidates
vout_directx debug: creating DirectXEventThread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateWindow
vout_directx debug: created video sub-window
main debug: thread 4440 (DirectX Events Thread) created at priority 0 (directx.c:278)
vout_directx debug: DirectXEventThread running
vout_directx debug: DirectXInitDDraw
vout_directx debug: directx-device:
vout_directx debug: DirectXEnumCallback: Primary Display Driver, display
vout_directx debug: DirectXEnumCallback: Radeon X1950 CrossFire Edition, \\.\DISPLAY1
vout_directx debug: selecting Radeon X1950 CrossFire Edition, \\.\DISPLAY1
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 2
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 3
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 4
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 5
vout_directx debug: screen dimensions (0x0,1680x1050)
vout_directx debug: DirectDraw Capabilities: overlay=1 yuvoverlay=1 can_deinterlace_overlay=1 colorkey=1 stretch=1 bltfourcc=1
vout_directx debug: End DirectXInitDDraw
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateDisplay
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateClipper
vout_directx debug: disabling screen saver

(from 0.9.0-test2)
ts debug: PMTCallBack called
ts debug: new PMT program number=1 version=17 pid_pcr=17
ts debug: * es pid=17 type=2 fcc=mpgv
ts debug: * es pid=1025 type=11 *unknown*
ts debug: * es pid=768 type=5 *unknown*
ts debug: * es pid=20 type=129 fcc=a52
ts warning: first packet for pid=20 cc=0x2
libmpeg2 debug: 1920x1088 (display 1920,1088), aspect 768000, sar 136:135, 29.971 fps
main warning: Fixing broken HDTV stream (display_height=1088)
main debug: no usable vout present, spawning one
main debug: window size: 1920x1080
main debug: looking for video output module: 10 candidates
vout_directx debug: creating DirectXEventThread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread started
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateWindow
main debug: looking for vout window module: 1 candidate
qt4 debug: waiting for interface...
qt4 debug: requesting window...
qt4 debug: Video was requested -1, -1
qt4 debug: Video is resizing to: 1920 1080
qt4 debug: embedded video ready (handle 005D03B8)
main debug: using vout window module "qt4"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 2.000 ms - Total 2.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.000 ms)
vout_directx debug: created video sub-window
main debug: thread 5416 (Vout Events Thread) created at priority 0 (directx.c:281)
vout_directx debug: Vout EventThread running
vout_directx debug: DirectXInitDDraw
vout_directx debug: directx-device:
vout_directx debug: DirectXEnumCallback: Primary Display Driver, display
vout_directx debug: DirectXEnumCallback: Radeon X1950 CrossFire Edition, \\.\DISPLAY1
vout_directx debug: selecting Radeon X1950 CrossFire Edition, \\.\DISPLAY1
qt4 debug: Updating the geometry
qt4 debug: size: 1 - -551359
qt4 debug: sizeHint: 1194 - 1920
qt4 debug: size: 1 - -551359
qt4 debug: sizeHint: 1194 - 1920
vout_directx debug: screen dimensions (0x0,1680x1050)
vout_directx debug: DirectDraw Capabilities: overlay=1 yuvoverlay=1 can_deinterlace_overlay=1 colorkey=1 stretch=1 bltfourcc=1
vout_directx debug: End DirectXInitDDraw
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateDisplay
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateClipper
vout_directx debug: disabling screen saver
Last edited by random on 18 Jul 2008 04:47, edited 1 time in total.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby random » 17 Jul 2008 13:56

at the start up of vlc.exe (bad complier?) Error message dialog.
Application popup: vlc.exe - Entry Point Not Found : The procedure entry point __vlc_thread_ready could not be located in the dynamic link library libvlccore.dll.

Mega Cone Master
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby VLC_help » 17 Jul 2008 15:37

viewtopic.php?f=14&t=48235&p=153685&hil ... xe#p153757
VLC process still in task manager.

Does the interlace issue help if you change Deinterlace mode from VLC?

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby random » 18 Jul 2008 04:39

viewtopic.php?f=14&t=48235&p=153685&hil ... xe#p153757
VLC process still in task manager.

Does the interlace issue help if you change Deinterlace mode from VLC?
it wasn't auto deinterlaced i later found out, by selecting a deinterlace mode or maximizing the window or view it full screen the jitter effects are gone.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby random » 18 Jul 2008 05:04

After taking a few snapshots with deinterlace turned on "Blend" video paused again (till the end of the file) while audio continue. Messages log gets log strings inserted into anywhere in the log out of order as I was selecting text to copy (Verbosity level = 2). This time decoder isn't leaking pictures.
main warning: decoder/packetizer fifo full (data not consumed quickly enough), resetting fifo!

100% chance vlc.exe won't exit from process list when vlc conf is saved with "Allow only one instance" even when no files are open yet.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby random » 18 Jul 2008 05:13

Another problem is that with rmvb file sometimes RealVideo gets playback spawned in new pop up Window mode leaving embedded video blank with size. This can be a QT4 embedded video problem.
Real demuxer also missing MP4A / AAC audio support and Matroska demuxer also missing Real Media support which both are pretty common formats.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby random » 18 Jul 2008 11:16

Codec Information / details page won't get filled up or is missing when 2 or more items are in playlist next item is been played will contain empty codec information.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby random » 18 Jul 2008 12:24

Playing a rmvb resolution of 720*540, it started spawned in pop up new window, as I press Stop it stopped playback press play again and again more and more empty blank windows will spawn and pop up, leads to high cpu usage eventually it'll crash when clicking on the task bar.

vlc.exe caused an Access Violation at location 6d7842f1 in module libdirect3d_plugin.dll Reading from location 0fbb0c34.

Call stack:
6D7842F1 libdirect3d_plugin.dll:6D7842F1 vlc_entry__0_9_0m
76B58962 USER32.dll:76B58962 GetWindowLongW
76B5B4D4 USER32.dll:76B5B4D4 PostMessageW
76B5B545 USER32.dll:76B5B545 PostMessageW
77532ED6 ntdll.dll:77532ED6 KiUserCallbackDispatcher
76B59100 USER32.dll:76B59100 DispatchMessageA
6D784B57 libdirect3d_plugin.dll:6D784B57 vlc_entry__0_9_0m

vlc.exe caused an Access Violation at location 6d784e03 in module libdirect3d_plugin.dll Writing to location 020c0d14.

Call stack:
6D784E03 libdirect3d_plugin.dll:6D784E03 vlc_entry__0_9_0m
6A63CD85 libvlccore.dll:6A63CD85 vlm_MessageNew

vlc.exe caused an Access Violation at location 6b54624a in module libvout_directx_plugin.dll Reading from location afb71733.

Call stack:
6B54624A libvout_directx_plugin.dll:6B54624A vlc_entry__0_9_0m
6A63CD85 libvlccore.dll:6A63CD85 vlm_MessageNew

Mega Cone Master
Mega Cone Master
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Re: [BUGS] vlc-0.9.0-test2

Postby VLC_help » 18 Jul 2008 14:25

You might want to post these to vlc devel mailing list or open trac tickets.

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