Videolan has problems with Hauppauge WinTV PVR-250 MPEG2

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Blank Cone
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Videolan has problems with Hauppauge WinTV PVR-250 MPEG2

Postby AndreasB » 01 Oct 2004 10:41

I am trying to play a MPEG2-stream, sent over multicast with another VLC instance on a another computer. Using QuickTime, the stream plays perfectly, using VLC, the stream skips forward and
backwars in tiny amounts, the video that is, the sound plays perfectly.

I have dumped the output to file in the URL, (

The receiving machine is a G4 15" Powerbook, as well as a G5 PowerPC, both using VLC 0.7.2 for Mac
OS X, the sending machine is a AMD Athlon 1,4 GHz, equipped with a Happauge Win-TV PVR-250 MPEG
encoding card.

The stream is sent with VLC 0.7.2 built from source on a Mandrake 10.0 installation, 2.6 kernel.

More information here: ... gi?id=1896

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 01 Oct 2004 11:40

If you stream a mpeg file in a similar way, do you get the same effect?
Do you see the effect when you play back from the WinTV locally?
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Blank Cone
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Postby AndreasB » 01 Oct 2004 11:50

I have tried to stream using the udp module, directly to the Powerbook, there is no problem then, only when multicasting. We also stream MPEG4 streams, encoded with VLC, no problem.

So, the problem appears to be the multicast transmission, but it is strange that QuickTime with the MPEG2 plugin does not have a problem.

As to locally, I have not tried that directly, as this is from a rack server, and video over X tunnels is not a good idea.

But if there is any other information you need, just ask.

Thanks for a quick Reply.


The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 01 Oct 2004 12:40

It's more likely the TS stream, not the mutlicast thing.
The TS stream from the WinTV is probably a tad out of sync with the TS reference time, for which VLC compensates, but QT doesn't. Not sure if that can be fixed in any way.
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Postby AndreasB » 01 Oct 2004 12:56

Hmm, that is not good. But does not the udp module create two TS as well? Besides, as the PVR-250 is mentioned in your documentation, someone else should have had this problem before (but my search turned up nothing.)

Is there an easy way I can check the dump of the stream if the problem is the one you are describing?

(We are planning on using VLC with the 250 card in large scale deployment as an internel video system for our college, and I need the VLC player to work with the stream it generates.)

Are there any possible workarounds, do you think?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby AndreasB » 07 Oct 2004 09:11

OK, I have tried further experiments, both cating the /dev/video0 to disk and viewing it, VLS, as well as more VLC unicast sending, and the problem only appears when sent over multicast with the RTP module.

I am now beginning to suspect the RTP code either in the sending or receiving instance of VLC.

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