how to buffer a stream using the plugin api?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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how to buffer a stream using the plugin api?

Postby rbarrero » 27 Feb 2008 22:37

I've read the plugin api documentation from Quovodis regarding the VLC plugin objects that can be accessed for setting and getting information, however, I don't see any functions on buffering. There is a state to determine if VLC is buffering, but I'm looking for the functions or options that will force this to happen on a particular item in a playlist.

I've been told it's possible, the question is how to implement it.



New Cone
New Cone
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Re: how to buffer a stream using the plugin api?

Postby plexium_nerd » 03 Mar 2008 17:52

I had this same question. After a little research I found that vlc command-line options can be passed into the plugin via the playlist's add() method as the 3rd parameter. It can be either in string (space-delimited) form or array and must be in MRL form (ie :option=value ). Kinda neat because you can specify different options on a playlist item basis.

This worked for me...

Code: Select all

vlcviewer = document.getElementById("vlcviewer"); vlcviewer.playlist.add('http://myvideo.mpg', null, ':http-caching=10000' );
Hope that helps!

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