VLC -- the biggest gripe

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VLC -- the biggest gripe

Postby quantass » 16 Jan 2008 12:47

VLC is clearly the best video player when it comes to "video playing" (including its unique ability to play partials) but over the years that i have used it i have found that its biggest failing has always been the weak GUI interface....dont get me wrong, it is the only player of its kind to play marvelous things (that is the reason i keep it on my computer after all these years) but i just feel that this player has wizards in the art of video processing but have no real care/love for interface design ... maybe the skins have gotten better and make for better interface controlling and usability but i gather it can only go so far. I will check the skin department and see how things have progressed over the years and maybe i can update this message.....

That being said i think the most important players out there are:

1. Media Player Classic (by the hacker KLite hack team -- includes an insane amount of video controls but it cant play partials very well)
2. Video Lan (for its stunningly powerful video playback, but terrible user interface and user logic)
3. GOM Player (beautifully thought out user interface and powerful video controls, with a nice 1st attempt at playing videos including partials) -- this player has the most potential for being the king of them all because they understand the importance of both user interface and video playback.

Sorry for the grumblings but i just had to say it because i've bene using VLC for years and it still blows when it comes to user interface...its like they play hot potato when it comes to who does the gui layout.

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Re: VLC -- the biggest gripe

Postby funman » 16 Jan 2008 13:52

have a look at development version: http://nightlies.videolan.org

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Re: VLC -- the biggest gripe

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 16 Jan 2008 18:34

You are so right. VLC interface suck.
We have rewritten it so far and test the link of funman.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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