Hotkey Problems

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New Cone
New Cone
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Hotkey Problems

Postby HaloZero » 22 Dec 2007 21:50

Ok I redefined some hot keys for my own use.

I changed Very short forward jump to mouse wheel up, very short backward to mouse wheel down

I also changed short forward to right, short backward to left

And I assigned Volume control to up and down.

There is no ctrl, alt, or shift assigned to any of them.

And NONE of them work, nothing happens. I've restarted VLC many times, I've multiple videos.

The other hotkeys (double mouse click to fullscreen), shift right does the medium jump and space (without all of those options) still play/pauses.

Running Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy on a Dell Inspiron 6000.
Any help would be appreciated,


New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Hotkey Problems

Postby Dsastray » 30 Dec 2007 01:20

I struggled with this today, much to the detriment of my piles of laundry and messy room. For me the problem was that the unmodified keys (I wanted plain ol' up & down to control the volume) were already assigned to keys, BUT they were keys that were not available through the GUI hotkey change interface (even with "advanced options" checked).

The solution was obvious when I opened the config file in a text editor (back it up 1st) and saw that unmodified up and down are already assigned for dvd menu navigation (not something I found I could change in the regular ol' hotkeys interface)

~Original VLCrc config:
(the # is commenting out; which I took as "this is the default", confirmed by the fact that other successfully assigned hotkeys were not preceded by the hash and had the values I expected)

# Navigate up (key) ********* Probably doesn't work cuz it's assigned twice, but I don't use VLC for DVD's so I wouldn't know
# Navigate down (key) ********* See above

********* blah blah blah other hotkeys

# Volume up (key) ********* Doesn't work
# Volume down (key) ********* See above

So I changed it to
~Modified VLCrc config:
# Navigate up (key) ********* I chose the Alt-Ctrl modifiers b/c AFAIK they were unused, you could also use the value "Unset" if you didn't want to use 'em at all
# Navigate down (key) ********* See above

********* blah blah blah other hotkeys

# Volume up (key) ********* Hooray, it works!!!
# Volume down (key) ********* See above

To find your config file:


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 22 Dec 2007 21:41

Re: Hotkey Problems

Postby HaloZero » 30 Dec 2007 01:29

Thanks for the help.

I actually gave up a while ago and I'm using another program SMPlayer.

I hope other people with this problem will be able to use your solution.

Thanks again

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