Suggestion: Change resolution to video dimension

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Suggestion: Change resolution to video dimension

Postby Aszazin » 07 Dec 2007 17:36


It should be good if VLC could change the screen resolution to the same resolution as the media it plays in full screen.
For some resolutions it would be better to use double resolution I think.

For non-4:3 movies (considering your computer screen is 4:3) the resolution should ofcourse be changed to the 4:3 equivalent (as much pixel-width, but more pixel-height)


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Re: Suggestion: Change resolution to video dimension

Postby funman » 07 Dec 2007 17:49

why that ?

and please post in the good section: feature requests

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Suggestion: Change resolution to video dimension

Postby Aszazin » 12 Dec 2007 23:15

Because the image is sharper when the resolution of the movie and the screen match with each other.

that is with a crt screen.

Those LCD things only have one resolution, so resampling to this resolution is the only solution.

A (PAL) DVD is 720x576, when playing a DVD I change my resolution to either 720x576 or 1440x1152. to give an example

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Re: Suggestion: Change resolution to video dimension

Postby VLC_help » 14 Dec 2007 22:20

DVD movies have only Frame Aspect Ratio of 720x576 (5:4). Display Aspect Ratio is usually 4:3 or 16:9 because DVD encoding doesn't use square pixels. So the resolution you should use to not get scaling with square pixel display would be 768x576 (4:3) or 1024x576 (16:9).

And IMHO it is much easier to use separate tool for resolution needs, but many other media players have those options. Implementing those under Windows is quite easy, but I am not sure about Linux and Mac OS X.

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Re: Suggestion: Change resolution to video dimension

Postby funman » 15 Dec 2007 10:52

VLC_Help do you know which functions to use under windows ?

To get supported resolutions (without changing color space) and to really change it.

I will ask j-b if I remember about it.

On Linux we can use X, I don't know the functions, but there is loads of source code to read for that :p
On MacOSX I don't know, but our experts will :)

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