VLC screen capture input plugin

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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VLC screen capture input plugin

Postby ilcomi » 06 Sep 2004 13:21

How can I use the new feauture screen capture pluging ready in version 0.8 of VLC?
Can someone post the example code to start it?

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby markfm » 06 Sep 2004 13:33

to see VLC's options, command line, enter:
vlc --longhelp --advanced

To make it the input device:
screen:// Screen capture

--screen-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--screen-fps <float> Frame rate
--screen-fragment-size <integer>
Capture fragment size

To start, try a small value for fps, say 1 or 2. Try a fragment-size of 16 for VLC to perform the capture as 16 sub-frames (divides your screen into a 4x4 grid to perform captures on).

Under Windows, screen capture is more painful than Linux, definitely takes a decent CPU and you want to keep fps low. For training type applications, or logging operator actions, excellent, but not something you would use to do real-time streaming of a video game being played on the PC.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 27 Mar 2004 11:15

Postby ilcomi » 07 Sep 2004 09:58

Thanks, now works but I can't stream over UDP multicast in TS mode?
I can stream only by transcoding but the signal and the quality is very poor.
Is my error or is screen:// stream that can't be better for the moment.

However is good feature to implement.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 07 Sep 2004 16:41

You need to transcode, because the captured video is unencoded, and you cannot stream unencoded video. It would be extremely network intensive.

Also the quality of the screen: method isn't that fast, becaus it takes a long time to capture the whole screen.
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