PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Feature requests for VLC.
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PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Postby jinqui242 » 02 Oct 2007 05:24

I use the Apple IR Remote minimally, but it's terrible. Having to click two or more times, then it suddenly decides to work. I'd love to be to use my PS3 BT Remote Control on Mac or Windows VLC.

Blank Cone
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Re: PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Postby Melloware » 24 Jun 2008 15:27

If you are willing to beta test I think I have added support for the PS3 Bluetooth remote in Intelliremote which will allow you to control VLC natively. Send me a PM or email if interested in BETA testing it.
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Re: PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Postby CloudStalker » 24 Jun 2008 15:40

CloudStalker doesn't have a PS3 atm but thinks that it's good that Melloware has added this. :)

Blank Cone
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Re: PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Postby Melloware » 26 Jun 2008 21:28

I have successfully added support for the PS3 Bluetooth Remote and the Nintendo Wii Remote or Wiimote which is also Bluetooth. So if anyone wants to control VLC or any other Windows application with one of those remotes they can.

BETA is available on our download page:

Instructions for pairing your Bluetooth remote to your PC and getting it to work with Intelliremote is in the User Manual PDF which is included in the install.
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Re: PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Postby CloudStalker » 26 Jun 2008 22:30

CloudStalker has a Nintendo Wii remote; he can take advantage of this. Thanks Melloware . :)

Blank Cone
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Re: PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Postby Melloware » 26 Jun 2008 23:17

Great let me know how it goes. I have mapped in the wii.xml profile some defaults but you can customize them for VLC by making say the trigger button on your Wii remote a spacebar so that it play/pause in VLC etc.

And you can actually load the VLC profile if you want and then do a "learn Command" and press a button on your Wiimote to have it map to that button of that profile. Lots of different possibilities!
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Re: PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Postby CloudStalker » 26 Jun 2008 23:25

This should be useful for when CloudStalker plays his movies on the TV, now he won't have to constantly go back to the computer just to pause/play. all buttons can be mapped, correct? So if CloudStalker wanted to say... map the minus ( - ) button to jump backwards and the plus ( + ) button to jump forward he could? Wonderfu... oh wait wait, CloudStalker doesn't have Bluetooth on his computer yet. :(

Blank Cone
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Re: PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control support

Postby Melloware » 26 Jun 2008 23:32

Ha! Correct. You will need a bluetooth dongle. I think they are are cheap as 10$.

And yes you can map your buttons on your Wiimote any way you want. So if you wanted to map your minus and plus buttons on your Wiimote to jump forward and backward in VLC you would map them to keyboard events "n" and "p" or if you wanted the Short Jump Backwards and Forward map them to "Alt+Left" and "Alt+Right" or whatever you have your Hotkey preferences mapped to in VLC.
Melloware Inc.
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