PPC Nightlies

macOS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 22
Joined: 09 Sep 2006 03:21

PPC Nightlies

Postby marklar » 20 Sep 2007 19:04

PPC Nightlies - not updated since 8-28.

Build from that night, the disk image downloads and opens just fine...but after installation including deleting old preferences, will crash upon opening anything on G4 PPC machine.

If it helps, crash-error log:

main debug: CPU has capabilities AltiVec FPU
main debug: looking for memcpy module: 2 candidates
main debug: using memcpy module "memcpyaltivec"
main error: Reloading playlist not implemented.
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 26095104 (preparser) created at priority -47 (playlist/thread.c:81)
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 26094080 (fetcher) created at priority -47 (playlist/thread.c:107)
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 25189888 (playlist) created at priority -47 (playlist/thread.c:117)
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
main debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
main debug: thread 26092544 (interface) created at priority -47 (interface/interface.c:215)
main debug: looking for interface module: 3 candidates
main debug: using interface module "macosx"
main debug: thread 26095104: possible condition deadlock at playlist/engine.c:485 (Operation timed out)
main debug: thread 26094080: possible condition deadlock at playlist/engine.c:600 (Operation timed out)
main debug: thread 25189888: possible condition deadlock at playlist/thread.c:203 (Operation timed out)
hotkeys debug: thread 26092544: possible condition deadlock at hotkeys.c:208 (Operation timed out)
macosx debug: notification received in VLC with name VLCOSXGUIInit and object VLCEyeTVSupport
macosx debug: notification received in VLC with name VLCOSXGUIInit and object VLCEyeTVSupport

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Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby funman » 21 Sep 2007 00:02

it is known that macosx nightlies are completely --please stay polite-- up

this will be repaired in more or less time, no ETA

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 22
Joined: 09 Sep 2006 03:21

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby marklar » 03 Oct 2007 21:44

THANKS! for the followup.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 02 Nov 2007 10:31

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby reets » 02 Nov 2007 10:33

are there any plans for updating the nightlies for MacOSX PPC?

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 02 Nov 2007 18:41

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby neohx_7 » 02 Nov 2007 18:48

Maybe a new version won't kill my audio device when it crashes. The issue is back and worse with Leopard and I'm tired of restarting. Otherwise, the last nightly is working fine for playback.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 15
Joined: 16 Oct 2007 05:48

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby Redux » 03 Nov 2007 15:58

are there any plans for updating the nightlies for MacOSX PPC?
That would be wonderful, especially now with a fully-functional tivo ty plug-in in the mix!

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 22
Joined: 09 Sep 2006 03:21

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby marklar » 12 Nov 2007 21:22

Not to be a badger...and I well read and understood that there was no ETA from funman's post above.

That said, as we approach the 2 month point without a PPC nightly build could someone shed some light on what the problem or holdup is?

Is it a software problem? a compiler problem? perceived lack of interest from the community? Lack of a PPC machine to compile on?

and more to the point, what is the future of development / compilation in at least rough terms, even if dates aren't possible.


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Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby fkuehne » 12 Nov 2007 22:54

It's a compilation problem on PowerPC-based Macs right now. It compiles at my site on my iMac G5 (which I'm continuing to use and will keep using it for various years), but it doesn't on our compilation server, although it should. Since this server is about 500km away, direct fixing isn't possible and remote fixing like re-installing the OS, etc. is difficult. Thus, I can't say when the nightlies will be up again, but I can say that the VideoLAN Team is willing to keep publishing VLC for both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs. The forthcoming first beta of VLC 0.9.0 is an Universal Binary as you would expect, but also specific builds for each platform will be available.

Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 22
Joined: 09 Sep 2006 03:21

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby marklar » 29 Nov 2007 18:17

just wanted to thank you for the followup. Had logged in before and tried to post but server or traffic problems made the site near impossible to use at the time...

but taking the time ro explain is greatly appreciated.

I have two G4s and one G3 that i use, and have installed X Code, just haven't gotten over the hump of learning to compile...but this gives me incentive to give it a shot again.


Big Cone-huna
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Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby kdean » 05 Dec 2007 17:59

The latest nightlies haven't even worked for me for a long time. They immediately crash after trying to play a video.

I'm still using trunk-20070509-0235. I could have used a few more recent versions, but I didn't like how going to Full screen turned into a multi-step process which may be fixed at this point but who knows without a working build.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby kdean » 25 Dec 2007 14:36

Just tried the new nighty... trunk-20071225-1210 and it still can't play anything without crashing.

Console shows:

12/25/07 8:24:48 AM [0x0-0x1cf1cf].org.videolan.vlc[5519] [00000001] main libvlc debug: VLC media player - version 0.9.0-svn Grishenko - (c) 1996-2007 the VideoLAN team
12/25/07 8:24:48 AM [0x0-0x1cf1cf].org.videolan.vlc[5519] [00000001] main libvlc debug: libvlc was configured with ./configure '--enable-debug' '--with-mozilla-sdk-path=./extras/contrib/src/gecko-sdk' '--enable-mozilla'
12/25/07 8:24:48 AM [0x0-0x1cf1cf].org.videolan.vlc[5519] [00000001] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
12/25/07 8:24:48 AM [0x0-0x1cf1cf].org.videolan.vlc[5519] [00000001] main libvlc debug: translation test: code is "C"
12/25/07 8:24:48 AM VLC[5519] Could not connect the action checkForUpdate: to target of class VLCMain
12/25/07 8:24:55 AM com.apple.launchd[102] ([0x0-0x1cf1cf].org.videolan.vlc[5519]) Exited abnormally: Bus error

Crash Report shows:

Thread 8 Crashed:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91c8db48 szone_malloc + 8
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91c8daec malloc_zone_malloc + 112
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91c8da4c malloc + 64
3 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e658 QueueMsg + 336
4 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
5 libaccess_file_plugin.dylib 0x0033ff74 mmapBlock + 1056
6 libvlc.dylib 0x001097c0 AReadBlock + 112
7 libvlc.dylib 0x00109db0 AStreamPrebufferBlock + 392
8 libvlc.dylib 0x0010a354 stream_AccessNew + 900
9 libvlc.dylib 0x001003ac InputSourceInit + 2608
10 libvlc.dylib 0x00101014 Init + 1488
11 libvlc.dylib 0x001040b0 Run + 36
12 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91ccebf8 _pthread_start + 316

Posts: 7295
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
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Location: Germany

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby fkuehne » 25 Dec 2007 14:42

That's a known issue with file playback right now. It's a different problem than some time earlier this month. This is hopefully going to be fixed until the end of the year, as it makes debugging for me pretty hard as well ;)

Thanks for keeping an eye on our nightlies and keeping testing them!
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby kdean » 26 Dec 2007 23:08

trunk-20071226-1425 fixed the immediate crash on playback issue I was having, but now after playing for a while it will crash when quitting the application.

Console info:

12/26/07 5:05:11 PM VLC[1816] *** -[NSRecursiveLock unlock]: lock (<NSRecursiveLock: 0x144152a0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
12/26/07 5:05:11 PM VLC[1816] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
12/26/07 5:05:42 PM com.apple.launchd[85] ([0x0-0xd80d8].org.videolan.vlc[1816]) Exited abnormally: Segmentation fault

Crash Report info:

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9410194c small_malloc_from_free_list + 8
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x940f9ce0 szone_malloc + 416
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x940f9aec malloc_zone_malloc + 112
3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x940f9a4c malloc + 64
4 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e658 QueueMsg + 336
5 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
6 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
7 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
8 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
9 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
10 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
11 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
12 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
13 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
14 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
15 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
16 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
17 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
18 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
19 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
20 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
21 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
22 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
23 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
24 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
25 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
26 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
27 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
28 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
29 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
30 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
31 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
32 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
33 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
34 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
35 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
36 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
37 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
38 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
39 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
40 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
41 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
42 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
43 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
44 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
45 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
46 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
47 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
48 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
49 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
50 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
51 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
52 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
53 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
54 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
55 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
56 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
57 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
58 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
59 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
60 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
61 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
62 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
63 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
64 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
65 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
66 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
67 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
68 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
69 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
70 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
71 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
72 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
73 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
74 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
75 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
76 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
77 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
78 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
79 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
80 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
81 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
82 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
83 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
84 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
85 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
86 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
87 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
88 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
89 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
90 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
91 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
92 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
93 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
94 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
95 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
96 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
97 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
98 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
99 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
100 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
101 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
102 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
103 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
104 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
105 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
106 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
107 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
108 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
109 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
110 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
111 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
112 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
113 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
114 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
115 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
116 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
117 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
118 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
119 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
120 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
121 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
122 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
123 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
124 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
125 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
126 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
127 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
128 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
129 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
130 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
131 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
132 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
133 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
134 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
135 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
136 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
137 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
138 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
139 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
140 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
141 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
142 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
143 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
144 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
145 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
146 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
147 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
148 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
149 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
150 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
151 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
152 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
153 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
154 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
155 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
156 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
157 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
158 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
159 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
160 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
161 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
162 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
163 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
164 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
165 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
166 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
167 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
168 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
169 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
170 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
171 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
172 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
173 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
174 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
175 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
176 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
177 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
178 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
179 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
180 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
181 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
182 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
183 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
184 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
185 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
186 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
187 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
188 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
189 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
190 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
191 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
192 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
193 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
194 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
195 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
196 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
197 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
198 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
199 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
200 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
201 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
202 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
203 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
204 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
205 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
206 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
207 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
208 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
209 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
210 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
211 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
212 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
213 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
214 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
215 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
216 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
217 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
218 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
219 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
220 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
221 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
222 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
223 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
224 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
225 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
226 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
227 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
228 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
229 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
230 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
231 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
232 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
233 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
234 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
235 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
236 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
237 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
238 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
239 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
240 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
241 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
242 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
243 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
244 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
245 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
246 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
247 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
248 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
249 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
250 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
251 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
252 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
253 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
254 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
255 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
256 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
257 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
258 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
259 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
260 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
261 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
262 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
263 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
264 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
265 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
266 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
267 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
268 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
269 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
270 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
271 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
272 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
273 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
274 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
275 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
276 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
277 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
278 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
279 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
280 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
281 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
282 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
283 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
284 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
285 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
286 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
287 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
288 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
289 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
290 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
291 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
292 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
293 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
294 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
295 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
296 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
297 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
298 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
299 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
300 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
301 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
302 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
303 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
304 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
305 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
306 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
307 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
308 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
309 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
310 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
311 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
312 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
313 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
314 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
315 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
316 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
317 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
318 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
319 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
320 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
321 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
322 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
323 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
324 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
325 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
326 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
327 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
328 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
329 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
330 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
331 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
332 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
333 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
334 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
335 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
336 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
337 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
338 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
339 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
340 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
341 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
342 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
343 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
344 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
345 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
346 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
347 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
348 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
349 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
350 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
351 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
352 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
353 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
354 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
355 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
356 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
357 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
358 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
359 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
360 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
361 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
362 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
363 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
364 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
365 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
366 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
367 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
368 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
369 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
370 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
371 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
372 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
373 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
374 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
375 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
376 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
377 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
378 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
379 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
380 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
381 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
382 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
383 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
384 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
385 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
386 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
387 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
388 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
389 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
390 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
391 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
392 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
393 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
394 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
395 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
396 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
397 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
398 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
399 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
400 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
401 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
402 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
403 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
404 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
405 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
406 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
407 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
408 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
409 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
410 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
411 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
412 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
413 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
414 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
415 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
416 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
417 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
418 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
419 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
420 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
421 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
422 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
423 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
424 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
425 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
426 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
427 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
428 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
429 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
430 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
431 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
432 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
433 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
434 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
435 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
436 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
437 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
438 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
439 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
440 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
441 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
442 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
443 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
444 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
445 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
446 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
447 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
448 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
449 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
450 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
451 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
452 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
453 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
454 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
455 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
456 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
457 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
458 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
459 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
460 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
461 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
462 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
463 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
464 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
465 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
466 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
467 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
468 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
469 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
470 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
471 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
472 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
473 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
474 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
475 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
476 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
477 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
478 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
479 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
480 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
481 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
482 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
483 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
484 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
485 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
486 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
487 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
488 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
489 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
490 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
491 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
492 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
493 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
494 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
495 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
496 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
497 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
498 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
499 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
500 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
501 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
502 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
503 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
504 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
505 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
506 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
507 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36
508 libvlc.dylib 0x0014e830 QueueMsg + 808
509 libvlc.dylib 0x0014ed28 __msg_Generic + 36

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 15
Joined: 16 Oct 2007 05:48

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby Redux » 14 Jan 2008 12:47

I have not been able to get any of the 2008 PPC nightlies to run at all on 10.4 on a couple of PPC machines. 0.8.6c runs fine. Do I need to install anything else to support 0.9?

Posts: 7295
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby fkuehne » 16 Jan 2008 21:53

The current nightly builds are being compiled on 10.5 Leopard and therefore require it to run. However, VLC 0.9.0 will support 10.4, too, of course.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 15
Joined: 16 Oct 2007 05:48

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby Redux » 18 Jan 2008 10:28

The current nightly builds are being compiled on 10.5 Leopard and therefore require it to run.
Thanks very much.

I would suggest that the header "The binaries displayed below support both Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard" be restated.

Posts: 7295
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Re: PPC Nightlies

Postby fkuehne » 18 Jan 2008 19:58

ehm, indeed. I'll change that for the time being.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net

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