Options not working

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Options not working

Postby fred.hild » 08 Aug 2007 16:49

Im trying to access libvlc.dll in C++. Im using GetProcAddress() which seems to work fine but when im trying to send the options with playlist_AddExt it seems like the options is ignored. The source start playing but without the options
I have used the same options in another projekt (.Net) so it should work.

this is the code for the loading of playlist_AddExt()

typedef VlcError (* FUNCPLAYLISTADDEXT) (void* , char* , char* , Mode, int, long,
char*[] ,int);
playlist_AddExt = (FUNCPLAYLISTADDEXT) GetProcAddress(m_hVlcDll, "playlist_AddExt");

and then i call the function

playlist_AddExt(pVobj->GetSubObject(), pPlayString, pPlayString, Append, EndOfPlaylist, -1L, m_apPlayOptions, optionsCount);

the options i'm trying to set is ":dshow-video-input=2" and optionsCount is 1

What is wrong?

thanks in advance / fred.hild

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