VLC and TNT on USB (windows) [RESO]

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Blank Cone
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VLC and TNT on USB (windows) [RESO]

Postby crocodudule » 24 Jul 2007 13:15

Hello :)

I need a TNT key USB compatible with vlc (videolan player) for windows*.
Can you help me, please?
thank you

* i know that the beta 0.9 for windows have the DVB compatibility:
http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/win ... 0717-0000/


En fancais, c'est plus facile.

J'ai besoin d'une clef USB TNT qui peut etre gérée par vlc (videolan player) sous windows*.

Je ne sais pas si la derniere version publique intégre le module DVB, mais c'est le cas de la beta 0.9 disponible ici:
http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/win ... 0717-0000/

Merci de votre aide. :)

* Naturellement c'est notamment pour sa capacité a streamer sur mon reseau que je souhaite utiliser vlc. Sous linux je sais que beaucoup de clef passent sans probleme, mais comme la clef ne sera pas utilisée que sur mon pc, j'ai donc besoin d'une clef sous windows.
Last edited by crocodudule on 01 Aug 2007 22:40, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: VLC and TNT on USB (windows)

Postby Lotesdelere » 25 Jul 2007 02:55

I'm using a Dazzle TV Hybrid Stick which is in fact based on the Pinnacle PCTV Hybrid Stick 320e and which is working pretty fine in both analog and DVB-T modes.

Tip: do NOT install all the crap provided on the installation CD but only the BDA drivers.

In fact any other USB stick should work as long as:
- it's using compatible BDA drivers
- it's plugged in into a USB 2 port

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC and TNT on USB (windows)

Postby crocodudule » 25 Jul 2007 12:24

thank you very much :D

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC and TNT on USB (windows) [New problem]

Postby crocodudule » 31 Jul 2007 20:43

Thank you again for your answer.

I have bought the Dazzle TV Hybrid Stick and only install BDA drivers.
. On linux, all is ok (modul for this stick).

. On windows (xp sp2):
I can see analogic chanel with vlc, but i don't know (and i don't find in document of vlc for windows) how to see TNT chanels (DVB).
In fact i don't see how i can launch DVB modul, and inter the frequency.
(vlc 0.8.6c)

Can you help me again?
thanks :)

PS: i see a new connexion in network control of windows: "Pinnacle PCTV Ethernet-Adapter", maybe is the solution to call DVB chanels ?


J'ai donc acheté la clef dazzle cf. plus haut.
Sous linux apres ajout du module tout passe sans probleme sur tous les lecteurs, vlc avec.
Sous windows, je peux voir sans probleme (attention antenne incluse mediocre) les chaines analogiques avec vlc.
Mais je ne sais pas comment lancer les chaines TNT (DVB) sous vlc, car sous linux il est tout a fait possible de lancer le DVB mais pas de base sous windows. Une solution? merci :) (je sais que la 0.9.0 inclu le dvb mais je n'arrive pas a lancer la fonction).
ps: il y a un nouvel adapteur ethernet dans la gestion du reseau de wondows (xp sp2): "Pinnacle PCTV Ethernet-Adapter", est-il possible de lancer les chaines en passant par lui ?

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: VLC and TNT on USB (windows) [New problem]

Postby kmf31 » 31 Jul 2007 21:48

On Windows you need a nightly build vlc-0.9.0 for TNT (or DVB-T) support in VLC. This is very new and experimental in Windows. Have a look here:

Concerning TNT-vlc-support Linux is indeed much earlier than Windows and in Linux it already worked in vlc-0.8.5 (and probably in even earlier versions).

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC and TNT on USB (windows) [New problem]

Postby crocodudule » 01 Aug 2007 00:19

Ok, i'have try the 0.9 two days ago. I try in DVB -t , s and c . With good frequency , (same with dvb directshow)...
for exemple:
vlc.exe dvb-t:// :dvb-frequency=482000 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :sout=#duplicate{dst=display} :sout-display-delay=512
but vlc say only :
File reading failed:
VLC could not open file "dvb://" (Invalid argument).
And the console return:
[00000335] access_directory access error: dvb://: No such file or directory
[00000335] access_file access error: cannot open file dvb:// (Invalid argument)
[00000331] main input error: open of `dvb://' failed: could not create access: n
o suitable access2 module
[00000328] main interface error: option errors-dialog does not exist

Sorry for my bad english, and thank you again for your help :)

Vlc 0.8.6c recognized my stick like "PCTV Hybrid Pro* Stick" in dshow mode, can i use this information with dvb-device option?

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: VLC and TNT on USB (windows) [New problem]

Postby kmf31 » 01 Aug 2007 00:32

Have a look in the other topic of which I gave the link, in particular here:

Apparently in recent vlc-0.9.0-versions should use:


and NOT "dvb-t". The latter no longer works.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC and TNT on USB (windows) [New problem]

Postby crocodudule » 01 Aug 2007 02:48

Thank you, now vlc launch something, but i don't know what exactly :mrgreen:

One time, vlc say that some TS or PS element are present..., and stop.
But after i have this message:"
C:\Documents and Settings\portmoi\Bureau\vlc-0.9.0-svn-20070731-0000-win32\vlc-0
.9.0-svn-20070731-0000>vlc.exe dvbt:// :dvb-frequency=482000 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :p
rogram=8442 :sout=#duplicate{dst=display} :sout-display-delay=512
VLC media player 0.9.0-svn-20070731-0000 Grishenko
[00000323] main playlist error: Reloading playlist not implemented.
[00000340] main private error: cannot pre fill buffer
[00000323] main playlist: saving Media Library to file C:\Documents and Settings
\portmoi\Application Data\vlc\ml.xsp
That all, i try to disconnect the stick, reboot the computer, install news drivers (now the stick is a "PCTV 320e Device"), and i only have the message "cannot pre fill buffer".
I'm a little bit lost :?

ps: Lotesdelere, could you tell me your parameter and the name of your driver, thank you :)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC and TNT on USB (windows) [New problem]

Postby crocodudule » 01 Aug 2007 22:39

ok , obiwan maight be in my computer or my antenna.
I try, reboot, reinstall, clear all, and test again, and again... but the problem seems to be the connection to antenna and the stick.

The pinnacle soft is a little bit more tolerant than vlc, but it's work, and when the signal is ok, vlc works great, using less memory and cpu (it's not difficult vs pinnacle pctv :mrgreen: ).

What a pleasure to refind vlc on windows for DVB chanel, thank you again all :)

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