Postby Lisa » 15 Aug 2007 17:47
Hallo all,
I wanted to say thank you to the administrator and forum moderators for their big help, folks like Fkuehne, and others. I have been looking over some of the posts, and am amased at their helpful responses to us. I'm sure it is time consuming on their part, so a big "Thanks".
I also enjoy using this program very much. I live in the country, with internet dial-up, and have only recently discontinued our satellite television service. I got tired of paying so much, for so little programing we watch. We don't get any television stations from our antenna, due to our location. So, watching videos on the computer is much appreciated, and with this program, I can watch our CD's that are in .rar format, using the helpful companion program VLC Loader.
More specs : I don't have a program called, Flip4Mac installed. That program seemed to mess up my browser, something to do with .wav files. And, I don't plan on updating to the latest Mac OS version. Why should I when this version works great - if it isn't broke, don't fix it, as the saying goes.
Thanks to all those who have worked hard in creating both the player and the loader programs!
Liebe Grüße, Lisa