Before compiling live555 libraries, I did remove the .deb package using
dpkg --purge liblivemedia-dev and confirmed it by checking
dpkg -l, plus I also made sure (to the best of my knowledge
) to remove any traces as you mentioned. And then I compiled and installed VLC but still the streaming didnt work. But I have found a way around to it. After removing everything, i get the live555 sources using
apt-get source liblivemedia-dev
and then I build and install the package using:
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
and then
dpkg -i liblivemedia-dev_2006.03.17-2_i386.deb.deb
After installing the liblivemedia-dev package, I configure VLC with only --enable-live555, make and install and now the streaming also works fine. Plus I put some print statements in live555 source code and in VLC source code, just to make sure it compiled with the sources I wanted and that its not using some old hidden stuff.
thanks kmf31 & j-b !