aLtgLasS sees writing on it, doesn't Cloudstalker too?
CloudStalker sees the third person thing is catching on.
Well CloudStalker (I) was referring to the last screenshot CloudStalker (I again) posted, the one without the CD.
And BTW: Me thinks that you shouldn't use any work of other people without asking for their permission, otherwise Videolan could be held responsible for license violations.
First person mode:
OK. Does this mean I (CloudStalker) should take the screenshots down? I (CloudStalker) think that this is a pretty nice cone. I (:roll:) thought it was like the ones posted in this
link where you can use them anywhere (including VLC development).
Well anyway, tell me if it's OK to keep these posted, I wouldn't want to get sued for posting it in a screenshot and providing a source to the creator to which he/she will get full credit.
CloudStalker thinks to CloudStalker's self:
hmm, maybe he wouldn't mind if...
OK I'll be right back.