About Bush...

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About Bush...

Postby MsKatuha » 25 Sep 2006 13:02

What do you think about american president?

its interesting.
tell me please.

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Postby Lynz » 06 Oct 2006 22:44

I think he's more puppet than any other in recent years. Cheney the real power. Neither are president as the election was stolen, and will be again soon.

Shame about the 4th Amendment, that was cool, the Constitution was cool, sad to see it go. Horrible times for the average USA citizen, who are being setup for something horrible ahead.

My 2 euro-Cents


Bush :-(

Postby vlcfiend » 06 Nov 2006 10:13

What do you think about american president?
I do not like him ... :evil: won't reveal more since I do not want to be banned
from this forum.

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Re: About Bush...

Postby gowator » 16 Nov 2006 11:43

What do you think about american president?

its interesting.
tell me please.
At the moment "think" and "American President" are an oxymoron ...

There is no acceptable answer.... (and I won't be posting again on the matter...)
IMHO you either love him or respect the office unconditionally and without thinking or questioning OR the answer would need 10 pages+ and probably end up someone getting banned.

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Postby SilentBob » 08 Dec 2006 03:31

Bring back Bill Clinton
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Postby Horsey » 04 Feb 2007 01:30

...Clinton was a horrible president. Bush is not a bad president.

That's my two cents.

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Postby wrath » 14 Mar 2007 10:05

well i dunno about him as a person but i do think that America is ruled by some obscure men that really pull the strings in matter of politics economics war etc. If you think about it a country's image is it's president so nevertheless i have a prety bad idea :)

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Postby daveshrop » 28 Apr 2007 19:06

Bring back Bill Clinton

I agree ...at least Clinton has a brain in his head!

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Postby DJ » 30 Apr 2007 05:07

For all those who haven't seen it, watch Bobby. It may remind you about some of the things we have lost and continue to loose.

The world we live in today has lost most of the ideals, values, morals and principles of ages past. It all started in the fall of 1914 with World War 1, but has reached a new low in this decade. This problem exists in Government, Religion and Commerce worldwide.

Some people will argue, what is truth really? Doesn't it change over time for every generation? Doesn't it to some degree depend on what the person believes truth to be? Can everyone handle the truth without still believing it's a lie?

The answer lies in the virtues we used to hold dear, the love and respect for another individual (outside of self or family) and the trust of one another, that we have lost.

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Postby daveshrop » 30 Apr 2007 09:23

For all those who haven't seen it, watch Bobby. It may remind you about some of the things we have lost and continue to loose.

The world we live in today has lost most of the ideals, values, morals and principles of ages past. It all started in the fall of 1914 with World War 1, but has reached a new low in this decade. This problem exists in Government, Religion and Commerce worldwide.

Some people will argue, what is truth really? Doesn't it change over time for every generation? Doesn't it to some degree depend on what the person believes truth to be? Can everyone handle the truth without still believing it's a lie?

The answer lies in the virtues we used to hold dear, the love and respect for another individual (outside of self or family) and the trust of one another, that we have lost.

I couldn't agree more....i cant see things improving either,we could be in terminal decline as far as values,morals etc are concerned.

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Postby DJ » 30 Apr 2007 21:16

I watched Fast Food Nation last night. Wow! What a depressing Movie.

Every one is caught up in there little world trying to squeeze more pennies per pound. In the case of corporations, to make a better showing in the stock market (20% per quarter) so that investors will continue to invest. This is done with complete disregard for anyone or anything else. To me this is the epitome of greed, to rob from the poor and give to the rich. Where is Robin Hood when we need him?

On MSN this morning the big question seems to be: Does the consumer have any money left to warrant pushing the stock market any higher? Are we headed for a recession? To me these are ridiculous questions as we are already in recession. At $10 per hour (above average pay) for the average consumer it takes two people working in a household to pay the bills and even then most are going into debt. There is no hope for the average person to buy a home anymore or provide for the future, like retirement. The world is the new Mexico where the poor are exploited by the rich as this problem is world wide.

Are we all to busy providing a living for our families to see the reality of what is happening around us? Has anyone else noticed how cheep human life has become?

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Postby DJ » 30 Apr 2007 23:42

Perhaps it is time to pose some questions regarding the original post. But first some statements.

The USA is in a state of Martial Law and was declared shortly after 9/11. Within days, the War on Drugs was added into the War on Terrorism. Which means we can never leave this state of Martial Law, because the war on drugs can NOT be won and perhaps the war on terrorism can also NOT be won. I find that most Americans don't remember that we went into this state as it was not widely publicized (long period of time) or what it means to us as a society.

1. It means that there are NO 1st amendment rights.

2. It means that anyone can be seized and held on suspicion of terrorism indefinitely without right of representation or trial.

3. It means that the checks and balances system set up by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are null and void. The President is the supreme authority.

Within the Presidency of George Bush we have seen a war in the middle east under the guise of terrorism, but no terrorism has been proved to exist here. So what is this war about? The Democrats in the Senate have created a Bill to pull out of the Middle East by October of this year and are urging the President to sign it. Do you believe he will?

1. Bush has seized control of the Military through Martial Law and created Homeland Security. He has created a National ID card by linking the States Driver Licenses Bureaus together to control and recognize citizens. This has caused other issues as he violated the 5 to 7 year policy of every state and made it 20 years for records to be expunged.

2. Bush has seized control of the Gold through Homeland Security and the Military.

3. Bush has seized control of communications through the MCI incident and the cover up of Global Crossings fiasco that would have caused a global communications failure. Thus forcing all the telecoms to fall in line due to an accounting fear and route all communications through Madison Square Gardens in NYC for Homeland Security.

4. Bush has restricted travel through all means of public transportation in the name of Homeland Security.

Historically this kind of thing has only happened as a prelude to a governmental takeover as in King or Dictatorship.

So what do you think of George Bush? Do you think Tony Blair is better? Considering that the overwhelming proof of 9/11 is that the President knew and some government agencies knew and all had complicity. Does anyone still believe all of this was not a plan that hasn't seen complete fulfillment?

Or are we just going to say: "Long live King Bush" :?:

I hope this doesn't get me banned or someone knocking on my door wanting to take me away for being a subversive (terrorist) as everything stated here is a matter of public record. It's just seldom does one see it all in one spot and ask some hard questions!

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Postby daveshrop » 01 May 2007 16:37

Tony Blair is no better, what with Iraq situation etc......!

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Postby MetalheadGautham » 07 May 2007 22:57

Well, as I am prety far away from US, I am in a safe position to critisize bush. To me he seems like a dictator, who doesn't care about the majority's sentiments. :evil: He is just like HITLER, MUSSOLINI & THE OLD COLONIALIST COUNTRIES' RULERS. :evil:

going to a war while in the 21st century is like setting loose a wild eliphant.

and see this anti war music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q-mYb65JbQ

If you are reading this Mr Budh, or any of your agents, I say you this: The USA was made to be a home for people in distress. Now it has homes in distress thanks to you. You have made your nation into the very place its founders escaped from.

If George Washington or Abraham Lincon were able to see you from heaven, they would certainly haunt you, and if alive, they would have not let you live.

If I get banned for posting this, I say only ont thing: Bush! you may have scilenced a sentence, but there are many more from the same person, and zillions more from the rest of the humanity.
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Postby DJ » 08 May 2007 01:37

If Bush (or one of his predecessors) does declare himself a dictator or king there will be no place of refuge where you will not be touched by this action. The Brits well know that we live in the Seventh World Power in history. It is called "The Anglo Saxon dual American World Power" and it is the last foretold before the culmination of the end of the system of things. Unfortunately most Americans are oblivious to this statement as are some others in the world.

If Tony Blair mimics George Bush this doesn't mean that the Seventh World Power has passed to another or does it?

It does seem to indicate an overthrow of government and a change of ideals for whatever reasons. But setting us on a course of Marshal Law of which can never be resolved is now a matter of history and things will never be the same. It's almost as though it has already occurred except for the declaration of a king or dictator and the rude awaking of the people.

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