So the way I have it set up right now in my skin:
Code: Select all
<Window id="video_window" x="0" y="0" dragdrop="true" playondrop="true" visible="true">
<Layout width="600" height="400" maxheight="1080" maxwidth="1920" id="video">
<Group x="0" y="0">
<Anchor x="-1" y="0" priority="2"/>
<Video x="0" y="0" width="600" height="400" id="video2"/>
Like right now I changed the video preferences to:
But because the skin is setup for 600x400 at 0,0... it shows a 600x400 at 0,0.
Maybe I'm going about it all wrong... but if anyone else knows how to create a specifically sized and positioned window that uses the video preferences but also doesn't show the desktop when it has to redraw that window after loading different video types... I'd like to know.
I'm sure it would be better to go with the borderless window not embedded into the player... but I'd have to figure out a way to prevent the desktop flashing and the only way I can immediately fix that is to set a black desktop and hide the icons.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.