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Netsync for new VLC compatible for windows 7

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:41
by getmet
Hello I was wanting to know how to get netsync working on the new VLC for windows 7. I cannot get it working as i am working on a project where I have two different laptops that are hooked to two seperate projectors that play two different videos at the same time synchronized. So when I press play on one vlc player, it presses play on the other vlc player on the other laptop processing two videos on two separate video cards that are both synchronized with each other

any ideas how to get netsync to work???

Re: Netsync for new VLC compatible for windows 7

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 18:57
by VLC_help
What is the problem? Netsync module doesn't load, sync commands don't arrive to other computer or ...?

Re: Netsync for new VLC compatible for windows 7

Posted: 05 Feb 2012 05:25
by getmet
doesnt work on windows 7 and new vlc. tried

Re: Netsync for new VLC compatible for windows 7

Posted: 05 Feb 2012 07:04
by getmet
when doing netsync. it has no effect on each other, only effect if anything is one video speeds up and plays very fast and the other one does its own thing and there is no synchronization. pressing pause doenst stop both