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Playback speed increments and shortcuts

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 07:16
by vlcusereerds

This feature request has been discussed before (it has actually been discussed for 2.5 years it seems) but I just realised that it was possibly in the wrong section of the forum (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=55897&p=308230#p308230), so I am reposting here:

Feature request: The ability to configure the playback speed increment associated to a shortcut.

Description: At the moment, there is a slider that allows us to increment the playback speed from 1.0x to 1.1x, 1.18x, 1.25x, 1.33x, etc. However, it seems the keyboard shortcuts (+ and -) only allow to go from 1.0 to 1.5 to 2.0 (actually, I wasn't even able to get those shortcuts to work on my remote control...). The request is to either change the + and - assignation to increase by .1 (or at least something smaller than .5x) each time the + or - (or another remote control button?) is pressed. Alternatively, even better, allow us to CONFIGURE the increment amount. For example, if I configure ".1" then I could, from my REMOTE CONTROL, go from playback at 1x speed, to 1.1x, to 1.2x, etc.

Justification: For some people watching a movie, going from 1x to 1.5x and 2x to speed things up is acceptable since they are only "fast forwarding" to a specific place. However, for me (and many others I am certain) who watch way too much TV, but likes to do it quickly, I continually watch shows at 1.1, 1.2, 1.33, up to 1.5x. Also, I continuously switch between those speeds depending on what is happening (dialogs vs action, boring part, vs part where many people speak very fast so I need to slow down, etc), and also depending on who is speaking. At the moment, the playback speed slider allows me to do this "manually", but is VERY inconvenient because:

1- I am using a MCE Remote to control my HTPC, and I need to take out my dinovo wireless keyboard+mouse whenever (very often) I want to change playback speed;
2- Even with my wireless mouse, I need to first double click on the screen to EXIT full screen mode for the playback speed slider to appear, then I can change the speed, then double click again on the screen to go back to full screen mode. I do this MANY MANY times per show... as you can imagine, this drives my g-f NUTS!
3- It is difficult to get the exact speed I want when using a wireless mouse like the dinovo-mini from Logitech, it requires me to carefully and slowly slide to ge the exact speed I require.
4- Very often, I'll click by mistake ABOVE the playback SPEED slider, which means that I actually bring the playback slider almost to the end of the movie (the playback speed is all the way at the RIGHT of the screen), so basically I sometimes ruin the punch of a movie because momentarily I "seeked" the playback slider to the end
5- Being able to do it via a remote would be a lot faster than requiring a mouse

So, there you have it. This feature would be very very appreciated, and I'm sure others feel the same way.


Re: Playback speed increments and shortcuts

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 11:28
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Look better...
There are shortcuts for 1.0 1.5 2.0 and some for +/- 0.05x

Re: Playback speed increments and shortcuts

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 05:46
by vlcusereerds
Well, I had searched. But my Google searches for "vlc shortcuts" did not yield a list that included what I was looking for. However, the answer was indeed a little simpler, as I noticed that under the preference menu, there is a "hotkeys" tab where I can set pretty much anything.

For others stumbling upon this page looking for what I was looking for, here is the answer:
By default, the "+" and "-" keys will increase/decrease to 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x. The "[" and "]" keys will increase/decrease by .1X (exactly what I was hoping for, but not "0.05x" as stated by Jean-Baptiste above.

Now, for some reason, when I reassigned the fine speed increase and decrease to the "left" and "right" keys of my remote, it didn't work until I ALSO assigned in the "Global" shorkeys. This may have been because I also had Windows Media Center opened in the background (?) but I did find it surprising that, with VLC in focus, it didn't work if the assignation was not done under "Global". The same held true for the reassignement of the +10sec and -10sec keys to "back" and "skip" on my remote: Needed to do it under "global".

In any case, I am happy that I was able to find a solution to my problem.


Re: Playback speed increments and shortcuts

Posted: 17 Feb 2013 21:34
by diligence109
You were the first hit on google and '[' and ']' were exactly the hotkeys I was looking for! On behalf of the internet, thanks!

Re: Playback speed increments and shortcuts

Posted: 07 Mar 2023 15:16
by yetanotherlogin
Doesn't seem work on a FR keyboard layout. Could be specific to US layout.

+/- on the keypad works in 50% increments, so isn't an alternative to Play > Speed > Faster/Slower.