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Playlist randomization change

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 21:36
by DavyS
When I add folders of shows containing episodes into the playlist and press play, one folder expands with all episodes open.
The problem here is that the chance of another show is being played decreases.
Example: I have 10 shows with all 100 episodes. When pressing play, the first show expands. The list shows: Show 1 Episode 1-100, Show 2, Show 3, Show 4. When pressing next (random) , there's 91% chance a new show is being expanded for chance on random view.

It would be better if all episodes expand for equal chance of playback.


Re: Playlist randomization change

Posted: 11 Aug 2011 20:35
by DavyS
Is there a way to automatically expand the folders to view the tracks/videofiles after drag & dropping them into the playlist?

Re: Playlist randomization change

Posted: 07 Nov 2011 23:09
by nova6868
Hate to bump an old thread, but...

Does anyone have an answer to this?

When you drag a folder into the playlist, it just shows as the folder, and doesn't auto-expand until that folder is chosen in random play.

For example, if I want to add 50 folders for a playlist, is there some way to make them auto-expand and show all the files? Without being able to do this, it's not truly a random playlist.

Re: Playlist randomization change

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 06:19
by DanTheUser
Hi VLC gang,

This question has bugged me for a while, and is still unanswered. As mentioned above, is there a way to auto-expand folders that have been placed in the playlist so that all files in a large set of folders can truly be played randomly? This simple shortcoming has led me to use other media players for my music library when I'd rather just use VLC for everything. Some advice would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Playlist randomization change

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 17:28
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Force preparsing of items in prefenreces.