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SKINS2 wishlist

Posted: 03 May 2005 20:19
by theFuzzyWarble
I've been working with the Skins2 code for a few weeks now and in trying to mold it to do what i want [ :twisted: ]...
These wishes came to mind first.

I would really like to see the $N and $F Text Variables broken down into seperate, more controllable strings like:

- file path
- file name
- track name [parsed from ID2/3 tag]
- artist [parsed from ID2/3 tag]
- extension/media type [mp3, ogg, mov, etc..]
- Command to Clear Playlist

Maybe even be able to pull any of the ID tag data, like year, genre, etc.

A boolean expression to check on the media type would be nice;
e.g. FilePlaying.isType ="mp3"

or maybe even boil it down against an internal list of know extension types[which could be updated via a patch];
e.g. FilePlaying.isAudio vs. FilePlaying.isVideo

This can afford the skin coder a robust set of data to build a nice media center skin.
