My PC installed Vlc media player crash more-than 4 time in 2.5 hours. Every time when i restarting Vlc player show "Vlc just crash, Send crash report to developers............" i send that reports to Vlc great developers. So its better if Vlc show "Crash report sending Progressing bar" when we are sending that crash report. Because of sometimes we don't know that crash report sent or failed, how much now sending. Most of the times our PC make huge "Internet traffic like "P2P softwares" at that times "crash report sending my be fail, so that if Vlc show progress bar we can reduce that huge network traffic use software and allow considerable network traffic for crash report sending process. Then again we can give huge network traffic for other softwares, or we can disconnect our internet connection.
So this type of function is better for "Vlc developers and also Vlc users"