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Right-click on a track and select "Add to playlist..."

Posted: 06 Sep 2010 18:23
by manolis

It could really nice to add a right-click option that adds to the playlist the selected track.

When browsing through the Icecast directory, that can be extremely useful, as there are way too many streams to catch-up.

Re: Right-click on a track and select "Add to playlist..."

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 09:45
by makaros

It is frustrating having to copy/paste the stream information and then go back to the icecast window only to have to scroll wayyyy down to find your station.

Re: Right-click on a track and select "Add to playlist..."

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 23:35
by varian93
I agree... I think anywhere in VLC when there is media listed you should be able to right click & choose add to playlist.

The other day I was using VLC's media library function to find music files & I was fully expecting to be able to right click & choose add to playlist as this seemed like an obvious & essential feature. I was surprised when it was not available.

I was then further upset by the fact that when I switched from the media library view to the playlist view to find the file I was wanting to add & then switched back to the media library view it had completely reset my "position" in the media library back to default. I wanted & expected it to keep my place. My place being way down in a deep folder structure of music files. I had to re-find where I left off. This quickly became very time consuming to simply create a playlist of music.

I ended up using windows file explorer to navigate the music folders & use it's right click context menu to "add to VLC playlist".

I'm running VLC v1.1.4 on Windows 7 Home Premium.

Thanks everyone.