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Case-insensitive playlisting possible?

Posted: 12 Aug 2010 11:26
by chris in london
Hello there
Some of my song filenames start with capitals, some don't - it's a mix - especially in a folder of new downloads.
So when I give VLC a folder like that, it plays all the capitalized ones first, scattering artists.

Is there a way for VLC to order the playlist case-insensitively, then I'd hear all songs by one artist together, then all songs by the next artist, etc?


Re: Case-insensitive playlisting possible?

Posted: 12 Aug 2010 16:44
by VLC_help
AFAIK there isn't a option like that in VLC.

Re: Case-insensitive playlisting possible?

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 21:41
by adiblol
Simple Bash line should solve this. If you're using MS Windows, install Cygwin or switch to Ubuntu :mrgreen: .

Code: Select all

vlc `find /your/music/directory -noleaf -type f | sort`

Re: Case-insensitive playlisting possible?

Posted: 18 Mar 2012 05:03
by chris in london