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Tray Icon Menu Order

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 00:30
by CAOgdin
For me, the most-used items in the right-click context menu for the VLC icon in the Notification Area/System Tray, are in the most inconvenient spot. It's a philosophy question: Should the most-often-used be at the top of the list (say, as for typical application menus), or at the bottom (say, as with a context menu, where the natural mouse position is at the bottom of the list when the menu appears).

My vote: I'd prefer to see "Play," "Stop" and "Pause" (followed by a separator line) just above the customary "Quit" item at the bottom of the list.

Perhaps some feedback from other users would give you some guidance as to the most popular (or those most-often needed quickly, say when the phone rings) items to be placed near the bottom of the list.

Even better, of course, would be a file that contains those menu items in the preferred distibution order, but which can be re-ordered by the user for maximum benefit.

Thanks for a wonderful program I "live in" every day; it keeps me abreast of all the news while my head's buried in fixing some computer issue or another. I'll reiterate the motto I've used before: "One returns food to the kitchen only in a restaurant to which one intends to return." :-) I wouldn't stop using VLC if you don't make these changes, but it sure would make my experience nicer. (OTOH, YMMV!)

Re: Tray Icon Menu Order

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 07:38
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Well,the thing is: on linux, the taskbar is on top, which explains the order.

Re: Tray Icon Menu Order

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 21:12
by CAOgdin
Huh? I don't fully understand what you're positing as a reason. (Are you suggesting that a right-click on the "tray icon" causes the menu pops up with some default cursor position nearer the top by default?)

And, aren't there ANY differences between Linux and Windows versions, to be consistent with GUI norms of each unique environment.

Re: Tray Icon Menu Order

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 09:07
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You are suggesting to put the play/pause/stop buttons the nearest to the taskbar, no?
Then, the reason for this, is that on Linux, the taskbar is at the top, and then, they are the nearest to the taskbar.

Re: Tray Icon Menu Order

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 20:23
by CAOgdin
So, if it read it right, you see VLC as, primarily, a Linux product, and those of use using Windows or some other platform should just live with it. I get it. Thanks.

Re: Tray Icon Menu Order

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 20:53
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Translate my words, as you want.