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increase heigth

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 18:12
by Friend

Thank you for the excellent VideoLAN. Great work!

I would like to see the following feature in a future release:
A hotkey to increase the video heigth in fullscreen mode.

Goal is to fill out the entire area of a 4:3 screen when watching a 16:9 movie, for example. Regardless of the dimensions being distorted. Zommplayer offers a hotkey for this already (Alt-+), so why stay behind ;-) No, really, it would be just great! I even may throw zplayer out of the window if you put it in! It's the only thing that I miss in VideoLAN. Maybe there is any other possibility to achieve it already?

Thanks again!


Posted: 07 Mar 2005 18:23
by rick_f
Adding to this request to just add an implementation idea.

This could be a crop filter that allows runtime changes to how much is cropped from the top and bottom view keystrokes. (Also could do this on the right/left sides if needed).

I envision a new crop filter that has a pixel size and keystrokes configured into it. When the user hits the hot key the crop filter would add or substract x pixels from both the top and bottom at the same time (Or right/left).

This could probably be added to the current crop filter.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
