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Auto resize to video size, no more than screen resolution

Posted: 10 Jun 2010 16:16
by temp4746
VLC's auto resize to video size can resize to more than the monitors resolution, this will result in part of VLC's window to be off screen making it both hard to use any of VLC's controls and/or watching the video.
I think auto resize should resize at most to the maximum available screen size, and also move VLC's window to the screen edge to encompass as much of the screen as possible.
So when you load a video much bigger than your screen VLC will jump to the top left corner and resize to the size of the entire screen minus the taskbar (Behing behind the taskbar is not very useful :roll:)

Look at Windows Media Player for an example of this behaviour.

Re: Auto resize to video size, no more than screen resolutio

Posted: 31 Oct 2010 06:19
by SoBugMeNot
Sorry, but I would like to bump this topic.

I believe this is still an issue. I have a 1440x900 monitor, and the HD video I play goes off the screen. The bottom right corner goes past the screen and I am unable to drag it up, since the Windows 7 window snap feature makes dragging up = go to fullscreen.

It would be good if there is a method to detect the user's resolution, and force the window size to always go below that size. (could be set as an option too)
