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Name of the video for the name of the snapshot

Posted: 14 May 2010 16:06
by Ysl

When I save a screen snapshot they are automatically named vlcsnap001.png then 002.png and so on

Would it be possible to have an option to save the snapshot with the same name as the video ?

"Michael.wmv" would have a "Michael001.png" snapshot...easy, no ?

Thank you for a great program !


Re: Name of the video for the name of the snapshot

Posted: 14 May 2010 17:25
by VLC_help
It is.

Code: Select all



Code: Select all

will make everything start with snap
there is also format strings in case you need some sort automation ... mat_String

Re: Name of the video for the name of the snapshot

Posted: 14 May 2010 19:27
by Ysl
Thank you for your help !

Sorry for my ignorance but where do I have to paste this code ?

I tried in the preferences/videos/snapshot/prefix but the result was "--snapshot-prefix=snap00001.jpg"

So not the name of the video in the name of the picture...

Re: Name of the video for the name of the snapshot

Posted: 15 May 2010 15:46
by VLC_help
I gave command-line parameters. If you use GUI, you just put snap (or what you like) to Video snapshot file prefix.

Re: Name of the video for the name of the snapshot

Posted: 15 May 2010 20:21
by Ysl
Thanks again but it still doesnt work for me !

If I put "snap" in the preferences/videos/snapshot/prefix, the result is :

preferences/videos/snapshot/prefix "snap2010-05-15-20h20m34s173.jpg"

But still not the name of the video file...


Re: Name of the video for the name of the snapshot

Posted: 16 May 2010 17:15
by VLC_help
Snap is just an example, you could try $N

Re: Name of the video for the name of the snapshot

Posted: 17 May 2010 10:13
by Ysl
Thanks !

$N does what I was looking for !
