Hi all,
as a student for electronics I'm trying to build a small amlpifier kit to make active speakers from passive ones. When talking with some friends they had the idea of sending the audio over LAN/WLAN to the speaker and manage volume and equalizer for each connected speaker on the managing PC.
- The amplifier kit should be something like the b&O ICEpower 250ASX2 but with built-in equalizer/crossover wich should be digitally adjustable.
- As I'm familiar with Atmel µCs I would use a AVR32 for the streaming client -> http://www.atmel.com/products/avr32/aud ... 3_decoding
I could do the hardware but I need someone to do the software for streaming/sending the audio and managing the speakers (and to tell me how streaming works ).
The result will be an hopefully low-cost amplifier with wlan to fit on the back of old speakers, managed by the PC/Handheld/SetTopBox or whatever system.
Who wants to help?