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3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 01 Oct 2009 20:50
by 1town
Any chance of seeing support for stereoscopic video any time soon? It's the future, you know ;)

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 01 Oct 2009 21:09
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
IS there any standard for those?

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 01 Oct 2009 22:19
by 1town
Well.. Closest thing to a standard at the moment would be Field sequential video, where the channels are separated in the interlace. That seems to be the underground way of distributing stereoscopic video without committing to an output method (like anaglyph) has a stereoscopic player, which is pretty good, but the only reason I mention it here as a feature request is that they (nor anyone else) has a player for Mac. And the 3dtv player is commercial to boot.

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 02 Oct 2009 08:00
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
VLC can already play 2 video tracks at the same time.

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 26 Mar 2010 02:17
by BytePlayer
I need to be able to take those two streams and dynamically blend them into a single anaglyph screen. I would pay someone knowledgeable if they can do this for us so that VCL Media Player would take those two video streams and dynamically blend them as follows: = (0.3 * + (0.6 * + (0.1 *; =; =;

Any takers?

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 26 Mar 2010 14:01
by VouzeMan
Here is a 3D (they name it "Free D" !?) video from YouTube.

If you download it with the firefox plugin "download helper", you will be able to play this mp4 with vlc.

This is a bit strange, because YouTube flash player, plays it in red and blue, while vlc plays the 2 images one above the other.

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 26 Mar 2010 17:08
by Arite
This is a bit strange, because YouTube flash player, plays it in red and blue, while vlc plays the 2 images one above the other.
Looks like YouTube has just overlayed the top/bottom videos on top of each other with a red/cyan filter respectively (as that is the default "3D View Style"), whereas VLC is playing the actual raw video stream.


Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 26 Mar 2010 23:05
by BytePlayer
Yep, VLC is playing the raw video screen and I need to get it blended and unfortunately don't have the time to get familiar enough with VCL to do it myself. So I'm looking for someone we can pay to do this for us.

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 18:16
by VLC_help
So I'm looking for someone we can pay to do this for us.
You should contact vlc-devel mailing list.

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 18 May 2010 15:13
by jgh
Has any progress been made on this? If not I'd be interested in contributing a stereoscopy module. Could support a number of different formats: Anaglyph(Red/cyan, red/green, red/blue), parallax barrier, row interleaved for polarized, possibly shutter depending on the implementation (I believe the NVidia system just requires a little bit of extra information in the output texture). I've done stereoscopic video work before, just haven't worked with VLC before (although I HAVE done stuff with libavcodec).

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 18 May 2010 16:46
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Nothing has been done so far, AFAIK.
Come on IRC, if you need to bootstrap on VLC development.

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 21 May 2010 17:31
by jgh
I've got it building and everything (well, 1.1 anyway - latest version seems to have some issues with the mac os x gui building). So I'll start poking around and see if I can get anywhere - if I have questions I'll hit you guys up in IRC.

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 21 May 2010 17:39
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 23 May 2010 01:23
by BlackShark
I'm no programmer so I probably won't be of much help but I noticed this post and would like to cheer you up !
Go Go ! jgh ! Make VLC a 3D capable video player !

I'm a Zalman display user (line interlaced) and will soon build myself a dual-projector solution. It would be really great if VLC could support these solutions.
For Nvidia Geforce 3D vision, from what I read at the Nvidia user forums, the documentation for the API seems to be difficult to find, maybe you should write directly to Nvidia to get documentation/help.

I wish you good luck !

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 23 May 2010 20:17
by VLC_help
maybe you should write directly to Nvidia to get documentation/help
I would guess they only support OEM and corporate customers.

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 23 May 2010 20:37
by jgh
They actually have a stereo module in the NVAPI that I'll have to take a look at, I have a PDF that explains the process (but isn't API documentation) - they do have a link to some more documentation though.

edit: Actually the PDF includes sample code, looks not too bad!

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 23 May 2010 21:37
by Duz

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 24 May 2010 05:35
by DGMurdockIII
I do want

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 17:09
by burnie
I'm also very interested in a 3D / stereoscopic support. Is there any progress in this issue?

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 11:27
by btsimonh
I will help with 3d subtitle support.... I currently use Nvidea flicker, although soon will have a Sony 3D TV to play with.
Most 3D TVs will accept side by side compressed - this is the common broadcast format, and the original video is in this form. jgh - any progress?

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 15:36
by stevedee3
Most 3D TVs will accept side by side compressed - this is the common broadcast format, and the original video is in this form.
There's a demonstration/trial 3D DVB-T channel broadcast in Australia at the moment. It's 1920x1080 h264 with the left and right frames side by side. (I assume a 3D TV doubles the frame rate, splits the image and uses LCD shutter glasses.)

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 00:59
by akwaba
I really hope that vlc may read 3dstereo and their various formats.

For example, i have download an mkv side by side and need to see it in anaglyph : nvidia 3d player, stereoscopic 3d player or iz3dplayer cannot read it, certainly because they need a proper codec etc etc etc ...the REASON why i constantly use VLC for 2D until now.

But, i suppose it isn't a huge work to add stereo in VLC (not sure of that^^), because the total media theatre 4 is able to read perfectly my side by side mkv file and show it in anaglyph without any problem on a standard lcd panel !!
But TMT4 is...big, not simple to install as VLC, wich is an another benefice of VLC !

Other example, we can now find on youtube some 3D video and you can choice and change anaglyph, to side by side, to up/down... etc etc and this with a simple mouse click.

so...if i have to vote for 3D stereo on VLC : i say yes

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 20:40
by ftiaronsem
I would also love to have 3d support in vlc^^. The very reason I registered for this forum. I will soon get my 3d equipment (ca. 2 weeks from now) and would be very happy if I could do some testing, if the time is ready. I am a little bit familiar with programming and are able to use debuggers like gdb if necessary. Supplying stacktraces would therefore be no problem, patches however would be ;-) (Too big for me).



Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 31 Jul 2010 00:10
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
The issues are the different formats... What equipement are you going to get for example?

Re: 3D/stereoscopic support

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 03:58
by Phaota
Please do add a 3D ability to VLC and make it like Stereo Movie Maker in the ability to watch films in the different formats, as well as being able to manually or auto align the parallax.