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"Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 31 Jul 2009 11:52
by twanny
VLC Media Player verison 1.0.0 GoldenEyeUnder VIEW / Advanced Controls there is a red button to "Record" Video whilst playing files. The Default directory for saving is "MyDocuments\". Can someone please advise how to change this path? I have scoured the advance controls of VLC but could not find one. (The only change I encountered was for Snapshots). Thanks

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 31 Jul 2009 12:43
by VLC_help
Record directory or filename
Directory or filename where the records will be stored

I am not sure if that is it.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 07:57
by twanny
Hi: I will check this out : will post back with reuslts.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 13:34
by twanny
Working 100% - thanks!!
Added a shortcut to the command string.
The only setback is that this shortcut must be run every time I need to enable "Record".
Once the VLC Player is shut down, it reverts back to default.
Thanks again - you have been very helpful.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 16:18
by VLC_help
I think you can add it to VLC config file. So it will be permanent option.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 18:52
by twanny
Indeed: I found the VLC config file as "vlcrc".
It is found in "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\vlc\vlcrc (Windows Vista paths).
I edited the line :
# string (Record directory or filename)
with the string you supplied "--input-record-path=<string>" and now works as default.
Great suggestion!! Works fine - Thanks!

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 16:33
by Baalslayer
I discovered that 'red' record button yesterday while I was looking around trying to find out if I can edit video. I have some video that I would like to cut parts out of. I found that 'red' record button and said "Walaaah!! I found it!!! I thought I could start the video, get to a part I wanted to take out and hit 'pause' then drag the scroll bar to the place I wanted to pick back up, but to my surprise I found it did not work. Is editing a video even possible with the VLC? Thanks, Baalslayer

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 09 Sep 2009 12:47
by VLC_help
VLC isn't video editor, but you can use record button to create new video files. But the record isn't frame accurate so I would suggest some other tools for the job. (like AVIdemux)

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 09 Sep 2009 22:27
by Baalslayer
Yes, I discovered that little trick when I tried to record then skip the portion of the video I did not want, and tried to start recording again, it simply started recording where I had hit Pause. So, when I just stopped it and went over to My Documents, there it was, so, I guess I could record the first minute and 20 seconds, stop it, then open it again and slide the bar to the place I want to begin recording again and record the rest. Then I have two videos, one is just over a minute long and the other is about 5 minutes long. It would be nice if I could combine them somehow into one video effectively getting the same result as having the ability to edit the video. I guess there is no feature on VLC to combine the two videos in to one? Thanks for your comments.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 10:52
by VLC_help
There is way to combine videos, but not in GUI ... ple_videos

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 17 May 2010 08:37
by jagman55
I am completely amazed that a group of people can program a player as good as VLC but can not figure out how to make a simple, user friendly config file that can set the directory to record, etc without resorting to difficult line commands.

I love the program but have to admit, it has a great fault, it is about the most user unfriendly program on the net.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 17 May 2010 08:38
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I am completely amazed that a group of people can program a player as good as VLC but can not figure out how to make a simple, user friendly config file that can set the directory to record, etc without resorting to difficult line commands.

I love the program but have to admit, it has a great fault, it is about the most user unfriendly program on the net.
And we are still waiting for your work to improve it...

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 17 May 2010 08:51
by jagman55
Let me give you an example:

This post says the file is saved in the "My documents" folder.

Guess what, in Vista there is "My Documents" but if you try to access it, It says you can not access it.

so, If i play a .RM which only VLC can play and repair easily, you hit the red button to record it in AVI then spend the rest of your life trying to find where VLC/Vista has stored it. You can Google until the cows come home but all the internet wants to talk about and help is here the "Streaming video's" are stored. Nothing about when you use the record button.
In the past year, I have yet been able to spend enought time in finding where that video is stored by VLC in Vista.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 17 May 2010 08:55
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
.rm files are difficult to record...
The mess that windows makes with the "My Documents" folder is a big issue, since it changes in all Windows versions.
Anyway, file a bug after having tried VLC 1.1.0-pre4 on

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 17 May 2010 23:28
by jagman55
Believe me j-b, if i had the expertise I would but unfortunately my 50 years in data process has been in main frames.

Now it is up to you young guy to take over and improve the world of computers but we gave you a decent start.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 17 May 2010 23:50
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Filing a bug ain't hard :D

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 04 Aug 2011 12:10
by jagman55
After fighting for over a year about WHERE IS THE OUTPUT FROM RECORD stored, and finally just giving up and of it ever being on the GUI, They hit us between the eyes AGAIN.

I did a recording to 'split' an AVI and guess what?

The output is no longer in MPG but OGG. Now look at the preferences and see where you can fine this default. IF you do, 'you are a better man than me Gunga Din.

Now try to find utilities for OGG files.

I think they outsource this to overseas to the Microsoft contractors that write new IE code. That policy is, don't let get anything done, keep them busy on figuring how the new version works

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 04 Aug 2011 15:56
by VLC_help
did a recording to 'split' an AVI and guess what?
The output is no longer in MPG but OGG.

Red recording button doesn't do any transcoding, so the format of video and audio stays same.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 03 Oct 2011 23:11
by Perplexer
Hello guys. I've been trying to set the custom record path as default as well but the procedure described in this thread doesn't seem to work for me. I did find the vlcrc file at c:\Users\Perplexer\AppData\Roaming\vlc\ and I edited it as described in an earlier post:

# Record directory or filename (string)

I then restarted VLC and clicked Record but the recorded video keeps being saved in c:\Users\Perplexer\Documents\

Any ideas ? I'm using VLC media player 1.0.5 Goldeneye on Windows 7 64-bit.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 03 Oct 2011 23:28
by Perplexer
Ah I got it to work now. I used the GUI itself to set the path I wanted. I used this guide: ... o_With_VLC
I have no idea why editing the configuration file with Notepad did not work.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 18:04
by nowon
I am completely amazed that a group of people can program a player as good as VLC but can not figure out how to make a simple, user friendly config file that can set the directory to record, etc without resorting to difficult line commands.

I love the program but have to admit, it has a great fault, it is about the most user unfriendly program on the net.
And we are still waiting for your work to improve it...
Dont despair Jean-Baptiste. Some people want everything for free and perfect from day 1... You'll never change that kind.
I for (not only) one think that VLC is the non-plus ultra. I've used it privately and at work (as multimedia events technician) and love love love it.
Happy New Year!

(Just explored the record option today. Still figuring out how to deal with streams, but that's another story. One can easily learn by doing with VLC and I find that actually nice.! :mrgreen:

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 20 May 2012 18:30
by Newrone
To change record directory:
Tools / Preferences / Input & Codecs / Files: Record Directory or Filename

Spent all last night trying to find this & now found it from the above link this morning, so here^^ is what the link actually says.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 17:56
by Prodif
I'm sorry, I can not find or specify a directory "Record" IP-TV. Win 7 x64 - vlc-2.2.0-git-20130922-0403-win64.

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 08:45
by Prodif
So no one knows where he writes ?

Re: "Record" Default Directory change

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 09:04
by Lotesdelere
Have you read the post right above yours ?
To change record directory:
Tools / Preferences / Input & Codecs / Files: Record Directory or Filename