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Remember position

Posted: 08 Jun 2009 18:36
by Cindybabe
I would love to be able to stop VLC media player part way in to a movie and then shut down my computer, then go back to the movie say the next day and VLC would start at the same point. Yes i know its easy to say that and i know nothing about writing a program but if it was possible it would be very handy :D

Re: Remember position

Posted: 08 Jun 2009 19:19
by vlc_fan-01
I would love to be able to stop VLC media player part way in to a movie and then shut down my computer, then go back to the movie say the next day and VLC would start at the same point. Yes i know its easy to say that and i know nothing about writing a program but if it was possible it would be very handy :D
Personally Im not a fan of the feature and usually turn it off in other media players I have played with,

seems to be alot of popularity for the feature. It dumps the playback position and location in a text file right. The feature is handy in the event of a computer power surge while watching that desired video file in VLC.

Let see what j-b or others has to say about it.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 15:38
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Will be implemented with the dB in 1.1

Re: Remember position

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 15:59
by vlc_fan-01
Will be implemented with the dB in 1.1
Nice to hear

Re: Remember position

Posted: 10 Jun 2009 19:55
by Cindybabe
Thats great news :P Thanks j-b Image

Re: Remember position

Posted: 10 Jun 2009 22:23
by vlc_fan-01
1.1 is quite a way to go so, you got to keep a look out for the nightly builds

Thanks for raising the issue that I would have suggested although I dont use myself :)

Re: Remember position

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 08:07
by Cindybabe
keep a look out for the nightly builds
Erm now you lost me :?

Re: Remember position

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 17:32
by Arite
Nightly builds are just nightly build of the latest development version of VLC (currently VLC 1.1.0-git). As vlc_fan-01 posted find them here:

For Windows builds click on "Windows" and for vlc-1.1.0-git click on the newest "trunk-" folder. There haven't been any for a while so latest (as of now) is the 26th May.

Then you can download it as a installer (*.exe), ZIP archive (*.zip) or 7z archive (*.7z). The best one is probably ZIP and you can just extract it to a folder rather than overwriting the current version of VLC.


Re: Remember position

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 18:34
by Cindybabe
I see, thank you for explaining Arite :D Image

Re: Remember position

Posted: 23 Nov 2009 13:53
by abhiroopb
SMPlayer ( has this feature and it is very useful as it saves having to forward through the entire video. As a side-note this feature can be made optional.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 09 Feb 2010 13:04
by dima1
so, still didnt implemented?

Re: Remember position

Posted: 09 Feb 2010 13:14
by VLC_help
AFAIK no. I don't know what is the current state of DB.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 10 Feb 2010 23:18
by MikeyMahn
I'm going to post this on a separate thread also, but my feature request would fix this problem.

I gather that Bookmarks aren't saved on program exit, I know that they don't right now and I can't figure a way to configure it so they do.

However, if they DID save track and position, and remain saved after exit, etc, it would solve this movie watching issue as well as help me out with my audiobook listening (which can have some pretty long track lengths too)

Re: Remember position

Posted: 13 Jul 2010 16:57
by Traanze
Hello to all. :)

VLC 1.1 is out, but still missed this feature. :(
Please add more priority to this simple thing(as I though).

Best regards.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 03:24
by SoBugMeNot
Has this been implemented yet? I still do not see it anyway in v1.1.1
Please add this on the next version update.


Re: Remember position

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 14:45
by VLC_help
Position remember isn't in VLC 1.1.0 or in VLC 1.1.1, and I would guess it will be VLC 1.2.x before this feature will be in.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 15:36
by The_Unknown
I also would like to add myself to the wish list for this cool feature :)

Re: Remember position

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 13:02
by Ljonik
Hi there!
I was pretty surprised to find out that not many of media players do have this feature. Because to me it seems rather like a basic feature that each media player should have! Maybe it makes sense to even standartize this feature.
Technically the position should be remembered user-wise. And the other thing, remembering position in a playlist (remember track+position in the track).
That would be nice to see in my favorite player VLC. Thank you guys!

Re: Remember position

Posted: 15 Jan 2011 17:04
by 83thomas
Is there any more news on this? I would love to have this feature added.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 08:13
by docn
Likewise - would be very useful.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 13:26
by sach160

Re: Remember position

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 07:49
by skinnerd

i was looking through all the preferences, thinking this feature already exists...but not yet?? so i google searched, "vlc remember playback position" and this thread was the first hit. has any progress been made?

created: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:36 pm
man, this thread is older than the hills!! :lol: :lol:

Re: Remember position

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 13:03
by docn

i was looking through all the preferences, thinking this feature already exists...but not yet?? so i google searched, "vlc remember playback position" and this thread was the first hit. has any progress been made?

created: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:36 pm
man, this thread is older than the hills!! :lol: :lol:
Seems not - but Media Player Classic will, so I've switched to that. :wink:

Re: Remember position

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 20:16
by lazfsh
I would also like to suggest that this feature work regardless of what was last playing. Resume last mp3 for example or resume last podcast or shoutcast stream. I hate having to chose recent media or playlist everytime vlc loads.

Also update your forums to something with OpenAuth/OpenID

You can't be all open source-ry and not use open standards like that.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 02 Mar 2011 15:46
by wolfyk