View black full screen but video at original size

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 9
Joined: 20 Jan 2009 06:14

View black full screen but video at original size

Postby totsubo » 20 Jan 2009 06:18

Have a feature request,

Would it be possible to include something similar to RealPlayer's ability to view a file in it's original size in the centre of the screen and the rest of the screen would show as black? Add to that the ability to view the file at 100%, or 200% in full screen with the video centered and any screen real estate not used for the video be black.

I watch some small video file (640x480) on my 42" TV and they look horrible in full screen so when I watch them I really would like them at original size but with the rest of my desktop blacked out


Mega Cone Master
Mega Cone Master
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Re: View black full screen but video at original size

Postby VLC_help » 20 Jan 2009 18:03

please search before posting requests.

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