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Last Window size

Posted: 11 Dec 2008 17:36
by raimo
I would like to open VLC always with the last size (even if video has a different size as window size).

It would be nice also to have a shortcut to adapt window size to video size again.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 14:11
by starbright
I have the same wish to VLC. It' hard to work with a netbook to scale it down again and again.
Also I would like to see the slimmer control line (Play, ff, fb, pause...) below the video-screen.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 21:49
by VLC_help
With 1.0.0 you should be able do to custom controlbar for VLC.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 22:11
by raimo
With 1.0.0 you should be able do to custom controlbar for VLC.
What do you mean with custom controlbar?

Can we save the last window size/position in 1.0.0.?

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 18 Dec 2008 21:28
by VLC_help
What do you mean with custom controlbar?
You can select the items what you want to see in controlbar.
Can we save the last window size/position in 1.0.0.?
ATM nobody has implemented anything like that.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 30 Dec 2008 14:40
by starbright
To save the last windows size and position is imho a basic feature. I would be quite happy to see this.
First thing I have do do on my netbook is to nestle around with that ...annoying.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 08:53
by usera
was searching a way to set this in vlc and found this thread. I hope this gets implemented. For netbooks with small screens or large view screens from 2+ monitors... it's a very necessary setting.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 14:53
by starbright
Lift up!

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 15:12
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
VLC 1.0 can give you a way to not resize the player to the video. But not after restart, where it will default to the default size.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 15:50
by raimo
VLC 1.0 can give you a way to not resize the player to the video. But not after restart, where it will default to the default size.
It would be nice to have the same possiblity as the SMPlayer.
Keep default window size (with shortcut)
changable window size (with shortcut) - as in 0.9.8.
without necessity to restart the player

btw: thank you for your message :)

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 18:13
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You can choose that, yes.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 18:25
by raimo
You can choose that, yes.
after restart the default window size is back?

btw... do you know when the next release will be? :D

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 18:29
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You can choose that, yes.
after restart the default window size is back?

btw... do you know when the next release will be? :D
After restart, the size is the one you let in preferences, or the minimal one, or the one with the cone.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 03 Apr 2009 12:04
by raimo
With 1.0.0 you should be able do to custom controlbar for VLC.
Dear VLC_help,

You wrote this message Dec 17.
Today April 3 I've seen the 0.9.9 download.

When will the 1.0.0 release come out? :!: :)

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 03 Apr 2009 12:07
by raimo
You can choose that, yes.
after restart the default window size is back?

btw... do you know when the next release will be? :D
After restart, the size is the one you let in preferences, or the minimal one, or the one with the cone.
can you please tell me where I can find this setting?

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 03 Apr 2009 14:11
by VLC_help
When will the 1.0.0 release come out?
"When it's done"

You can test nightly builds if you want to check out the new features.;O=D (trunks are 1.0.0)

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 12 Apr 2009 03:47
by vlc_fan-01

This feature I think is incomplete slighly as it does not remember really small resized window sizes such as example. 95x95. in my 1.0 nightly

Also after viewing any video at a really small window size like the given 95x95 the VLC window seems to revert back to what appears to be its smallest size setting (I think 200x200) - try it. I would like the window not to do this as like SM Player.

Hopefully will be switching to VLC 1.0 soon

This would be nice to fix, ok you may ask "why anyone would want to watch video repatedly in such really small screen size" its just out of preference when previewing lots of video sometimes that I preview when downloading from torrent

So support for remembering ultra small window sizes

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 14 Apr 2009 08:36
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Fill a bug.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 14 Apr 2009 09:01
by raimo
When will the 1.0.0 release come out?
"When it's done"

You can test nightly builds if you want to check out the new features.;O=D (trunks are 1.0.0)
Where can I find the 1.0.0. trunk?
All the files I see here are 0.9.10 versions.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 14 Apr 2009 13:58
by erwan10
Also after viewing any video at a really small window size like the given 95x95 the VLC window seems to revert back to what appears to be its smallest size setting (I think 200x200) - try it. I would like the window not to do this as like SM Player.

So support for remembering ultra small window sizes
If you use the first mode (--qt-display-mode=0), you won't have any problems with a minimum size.

if you use one of the other two modes (--qt-display-mode=1 or 2), the problem comes from the cone which requires a 128x128 minimum size (hardcoded). This size takes over a too small previously stored size. (even if --no-qt-video-autoresize is set).
Well, is it a bug ? If so, do fill a bug !


Re: Last Window size

Posted: 14 Apr 2009 21:42
by vlc_fan-01
When will the 1.0.0 release come out?
"When it's done"

You can test nightly builds if you want to check out the new features.;O=D (trunks are 1.0.0)
Where can I find the 1.0.0. trunk?
All the files I see here are 0.9.10 versions.
Look for files beginning with "vlc-1.0.0-pre1-"

Like this build for example ... 0414-1623/

Also if you download as .zip then all you would have to do is extract and run (no local install)

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 21 Apr 2009 11:21
by raimo
I tried the 1.0.0. trunk today.
Very nice.

However I noted that the zoom doesn't work when "resize interface to video size" is not enabled

To keep the last window size is very useful if you have a lot of video files p.e. youtube who wants every video in parts of max 10 minutes. If you download all the parts and you start with the first video and make the window a bit bigger and
VLC don't keep last window size you have to resize the window with every new video.
So great that 1.0.0. has this feature!

However a zoom function is still usefull.

Another thing: would it be possible to have a shortcut key to enable and disable "resize interface to video size" on the fly?

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 21 Apr 2009 14:28
by erwan10
However I noted that the zoom doesn't work when "resize interface to video size" is not enabled

However a zoom function is still usefull.
When option "no resize to video size" is used, what should "zoom" mean ?
Zoom x times with regard to the original video size or Zoom x times with regard to the current video size ?

And should this new size resulting from zoom be stored for later reuse or should we still keep the current video size for later reuse ?

zoom is a real issue (a no-op as it is today is not the best thing), but how it should behave is an open debate ... for vlc1.1 ?
Another thing: would it be possible to have a shortcut key to enable and disable "resize interface to video size" on the fly?
should not be unfeasible ...


Re: Last Window size

Posted: 21 Apr 2009 15:40
by raimo
When option "no resize to video size" is used, what should "zoom" mean ?
Zoom x times with regard to the original video size or Zoom x times with regard to the current video size ?

And should this new size resulting from zoom be stored for later reuse or should we still keep the current video size for later reuse ?

zoom is a real issue (a no-op as it is today is not the best thing), but how it should behave is an open debate ... for vlc1.1 ?
It is like resizing. You resize the windows.
With zoom you can resize much quicker.
Zoom to original, zoom to half size, Zoom to double size.

This new size should be stored because it is the last window size.

Re: Last Window size

Posted: 21 Apr 2009 16:47
by raimo
The equalizer doesn't work in the 1.0 pre2?