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DvD skip Menu, Playlists of dvds.

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 06:23
by TalesInc
Alright i have many dvd ISO of Music videos. And of course they come with a main menu. So when a dvd ends its last second, it always returns to the menu and doesn't play anytin else until I come to do somthing. I wonder if it would be possible if i could string together a list of the ISOs place them in the playlist and have a function for the dvd to skip the menu return and continue on to the next dvd? Like that I would be able to play my music videos continuosly

Re: DvD skip Menu, Playlists of dvds.

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 13:33
by VLC_help
Does it work if you add them with DVDSIMPLE and choose the right titles and chapters for them? For example:

Code: Select all


Re: DvD skip Menu, Playlists of dvds.

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 00:45
by TalesInc
iM A computing noob. so i dun get wad im suppose to do. Can u pls help me?

Re: DvD skip Menu, Playlists of dvds.

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 13:31
by VLC_help
Media -> Open Disc, then tick No DVD menus option, Browse... your ISO image and then select chapter and title you want to play. Does the playback stop after that chapter and title?