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working disable screensaver option

Posted: 15 Sep 2008 00:58
by stefanx
On my system VLC is not capable to disable the screen saver. Yes, the appropriate option in VLC is enabled. My computer is Windows XP but my company configured it so that the screen saver options are not changeable, even for an user in administrator mode. MPlayer is handling this issue very well and disables the screen saver without any problem. I wish VLC would do so too!

PS: I tried VLC with both 0.8 and 0.9./1.0.

Re: working disable screensaver option

Posted: 17 Sep 2008 15:09
by VLC_help
One option that I have been thinking is using ghost SendInput messages (like shift down, and shift up). Then we could remove all the screensaver/monitor shutdown code and make it work on restricted environments.

Re: working disable screensaver option

Posted: 17 Sep 2008 15:57
by stefanx
sounds reasonable. Could I test this on my system?

Re: working disable screensaver option

Posted: 18 Sep 2008 14:14
by VLC_help
Yes, when I do test build, I will post it here.