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Set size/position dialog at startup

Posted: 09 Jun 2008 22:45
by trok
Is it possible to add parameters on commande line (Args) to set VLC dialog position (X/Y) and VLC dialog size (400pxl/300pxl).
It'll be easier for us to remote VLC without using ActiveX.

Thanks a lot.

PS: it shall be nothing to do for U and it's hard for us, believe me. :(

Re: Set size/position dialog at startup

Posted: 10 Jun 2008 04:25
by CloudStalker
I think that the next version will be able to do this. It'll automatically save the size and position of the interface upon closing. Unfortunately CloudStalker can't provide a link to the nightly builds (so that you can test this) because he's using the Wii for internet and can't highlight, copy & paste,. Someone will provide the link though.

Re: Set size/position dialog at startup

Posted: 10 Jun 2008 07:35
by trok
If you have a fresh VLC build I can test it (dual screen/hide in taskbar...).
I'm waiting for the link... thanks !

Re: Set size/position dialog at startup

Posted: 10 Jun 2008 08:29
by hfswjyr
Do you mean the nightlies?

They can be found here.

Re: Set size/position dialog at startup

Posted: 10 Jun 2008 20:50
by trok
OK, I try latest version and it dont work well. I had a big probleme with WxWidget (I need to close and my windows session a lot of time). All my desktop was fixed (element not repaint) like a windows freez. And a popup have the title "WxWidget...".
So, when I open VLC, dialog always show at the same position and not at the last position. OnCLose should not save last position of dialog. :(

Re: Set size/position dialog at startup

Posted: 25 Aug 2008 11:27
by trok
This functionality doesn't work on the nightly build version. Can you do a little something before the release ?