Record Button, .nsv files, default browser.....
Posted: 27 Dec 2003 07:54
VideoLan's a great media player, I hope you add .nsv(nullsoft) .ram(real) .wmv(window) files in the future. I know FFmpeg wont allow the last 2 yet... Also I've searched but can't find anywhere to set VideoLan as my Default Player. Other well known players want to download the file before opening it for play, where as Videolan will play it immediately, but VideoLan has to be selected as the Default Player to do this... Also a RECORD button on the button panel would be nice (linked to the "Stream Output>Output Methods>File box") We could imput the data needed in the "STREAM Output>Output Methods" section (File, File Name, Location) and then just hit the record button on the player interface whenever we want to record a stream. Of course the information we had imput would need to remain there in place unless we uncheck the "FILE" box. and of course any file recorded would be overwritten the second time, unless file name was changed. Just a thought....