Hi, im Ferdy, just want to suggest 2 features... ^^
1. If you can add "Library" which user can view what songs/videos has he/she played in the past. It would be nice.. Besides, allow user to rate each songs/videos, so he/she can sort them based on rating.. Why I can say like this? Because I compared VLC Media Player 0.8.6f with Windows Media Player which I'm using it nowadays.
2. For "Help", there is no guidance for user to run each feature of VLC Media Player in 0.8.6f. Do I need to go to Wikipedia to search a help about how to use this program.. ==" It will waste my time. Anyway, in the future you can add it. So new user can understand how to use it..
I'm looking forward to hear any updates from you.. =)
Have a good day.